I have had a busy week this week so haven't had a lot of time to fit my training in so I have decided rather than stressing about not ticking every workout on my training plan I will view this week as a recovery week and take it relatively easily after Sunday's Tri. The only concern I have with this new found philosophy is my next tri is just 2 weeks away so I really need to keep up the training if I have any hope of improving!
On Monday evening I went swimming. I was feeling tired so the plan was just to tootle up and down the pool a few times before getting out. However, once I got in I seemed to become re-energised and I ended up doing 5 sets of 400 metres with a 15 seconds rest inbetween. Although the pool was fairly busy everyone in my lane were all swimming front crawl at a very similar pace - there was none of the usual breaststroke brigade or Mothers meetings blocking the pool side so I really enjoyed my swim.
Despite expecting not to do much I ended up swimming 2000 metres (1.24 miles) in 47 minutes 52 seconds.
On Tuesday evening a lad from the Tri Club had asked if I wanted to go for a trail run with him. He had finished the Tri on Sunday about 20 seconds after me so I knew we were very similar speeds so felt fairly comfortable agreeing. However, I also wanted to go out on my bike but as it was very cold and windy I decided to take the safe option and went to the gym to go on the Watt Bike prior to running. I managed 10 miles in 32 minutes at an average 18.5 mph so by the time I set off on the run my legs were feeling a little shaky! I decided to give my new Hoka Stinson trail shoes another outing! We kept the pace slow as I was experimenting with new shoes and I managed without too much difficulty! I am still getting used to them and will reserve judgement until I have done more miles!
I was pleased I wasn't alone as we had to go though a herd of cows who were all crowded around the gate! I felt braver having a man with me clearing the way! If I had been alone I would have made a 3 mile detour to avoid them!
We ran 6.31 slow miles in 1 hour 10 mins but we did spend a lot of time going over stiles, taking photos of me running in my Hokas and negotiating cows!
On Wednesday I had a very long busy day at work so I didn't have time, energy or inclination to exercise!
As I had a rest day yesterday I was determined to fit a short run into my busy schedule today!
As soon as I got home from work I changed into my running gear and went for a short run! It was a very warm but windy evening so it wasn't very pleasant conditions to run in! However, I managed 3.65 miles at an average 9.06 minute mile pace. I just had enough time for a quick shower before I went to an information evening organised by the tri club about bikes and cycling! I found it very interesting and we covered everything from saddles, to bike size, gears, cadence, speed, braking, cornering, descending and ascending hills! I'm not sure whether it will make me any faster but its good to know how things are supposed to be done!
Yesterday I did my first Tri of the season and survived - I even enjoyed it!
It was an extremely chilly morning with frost on the ground but at least it was dry!
Read my race report Here!
Tonight I went swimming with the Tri Club for my last exercise session prior to my first tri of the season on Sunday!
I wore my tri suit to get used to the feeling of swimming in too many clothes!
We started off with drills before going on to a pyramid speed session.
Altogether I swim 2100 metres (1.3 miles) and really enjoyed it.
Here's hoping I can keep my nerves in check on Sunday and swim well!
Last year when I did my first tri I had what can only be described as a panic attack in the water and I ended up swimming a very slow breaststroke just to finish the swim!
Fingers crossed I beat my demons this time!
My race plan is:
On Sunday I am doing my first Triathlon of the season - Kendal Sprint Tri so tonight I took the opportunity to cycle the tri route for the last time before the big day and tried to take note of where the BIG potholes are! However, the roads are so bad around here it is probably easier to memorize where the good bits of road are!
It has been a really hot and sunny day here and I was certainly overdressed on the bike!! I am so used to riding in the cold I didn't think anything of putting my jacket and long tights on but boy did I know it once I got going! Hot and sweaty doesn't even begin to describe how I felt!
However, despite overheating I really enjoyed this ride tonight, and thankfully the roads were fairly quiet. My only complaint was the constant BBQ smells I passed!
I was chuffed when I got back and saw that I had cycled 12.97 miles at an average speed of 14.6 MPH, with the fastest mile being 18.5 MPH - super speedy for me, and it wasn't even downhill!
Here's hoping my ride on Sunday is as good and the rain that is currently forecast stays away!
I have been feeling extremely tired, grumpy, slightly stiff and achy all day today so felt slightly relieved to hear the running club I was going to go to for the first time this evening had been cancelled!
Instead I headed to the pool for a gentle swim!
However, once in the changing rooms and I had changed into my costume I realised I had forgotten my goggles and with wearing contact lenses there is no way I could swim without them! I phoned my husband and asked him to bring them down for me so I had a bit of a delayed start to my swim!
When I did eventually get into the pool, the swimming lane was full of exceptionally slow swimmers! I was thankful I was just wanting to do a slow recovery swim as anything more would have been impossible!
After about 20 minutes the slow swimmers were thankfully all exhausted and got out leaving just me and one other person in the lane - which made it much more enjoyable and improved my mood no end!
I swam 1700 metres (1.06 mile) in 40 minutes so I was fairly satisfied with this result!
This morning I went for a trail run with a very fit and fast friend who is training for the Lakeland 100 at the moment!
She had done a 28 mile training run yesterday and was suffering badly from a hangover so I was hopeful that for once I might actually be able to keep up with her!
Although she was running on tired legs I was also running on tired legs after conquering 3 wainwrights yesterday coupled with all the cycling, running and swimming I have done this week!
When I left my house it appeared to be a bright sunny morning so I dressed in three-quarter running tights and a T Shirt. I met my friend at around 10.20 am and off we set on our usual hilly route to Cunswick Scar, Scouts Scar and then back!
My legs felt heavy from the off and although my friend was going slower than usual, so was I!
Once we got up on the tops it was really windy and I was cold! I had to keep running just to keep warm - I began to wish I had worn a long sleeved top!
Despite the wind and the cold it was a good run and I pushed myself harder than I would have if I had gone alone! Actually if I had gone alone there is no way I would have covered the distance I would have found a short cut home!
We ran 10.08 miles at an 11.07 minute mile pace which appears slow but with the tricky terrain and hills I don't think I could go any faster!
You can view my run here.
My legs now have a day to recover before I go to a running club for the first time!
I have tried other clubs in the past and have always felt like the worst runner in the world when I have been left for dust at the back! This club assures me they are not like that!
Watch this space to see how I get on!
It was such a beautiful day today that we decided to go into the Lakes and climb some hills! My training plan was staring at me telling me I had a 90 minute bike ride to do and I had to really fight the urge not to go and do it first! I reasoned with myself that I would still have time once I got home - if I had the energy!
Funnily enough there was plenty of time before it got dark once we got home but my energy levels were rather depleted!
We had managed to conquer 3 Wainwrights - Dow Crag, Brim Fell and Coniston Old Man and walked 7 miles in total.
It was a funny day and luckily we were well prepared for the weather changes that often occur on the top of these fells! When we set off it was a lovely warm and sunny morning, but as we climbed it started to get cooler and then horrendously windy! We went from wearing T shirts, to T Shirts and long sleeved tops, to coats and gloves, and then did the reverse on the way down!
Thankfully we found a sheltered place to have our lunch! There was some scary climbing involved at times and I felt more like an intrepid rock climber than a hiker but it was a fabulous walk with some stunning views!!
We have now managed to do 42/214 Wainwrights! Only 172 to go!
My legs are now feeling slightly tired and I have arranged a trail run with a friend in the morning! Here's hoping for a quick recovery!
Tonight the plan said a 5 mile run with 4 hill repeats followed by an 1700m swim.
It was a sunny evening when I set off on my run but my legs weren't really feeling it! I think they thought "Hey! Its Friday - Wine time!" but I pushed on and tried to ignore them!
After a mile warm-up I decided to do my hill repeats to get them over with whilst I still had a little bit of energy left!
I was amazed to discover that running up a hill and then jogging down again actually energized me, and even after completing the required four I wanted to keep going! However, I was very aware that I still had a lot of mileage and a swim to complete so didn't push my luck too much!
I ran 4.6 miles at an average 9.23 minute mile pace which wasn't too bad considering I had the hill reps in there too!
After running I had a quick shower (didn't want to pollute the pool!) and went down to the pool. I don't often swim on a Friday evening and I was surprised at how quiet it was!
I managed 4 sets of 400m before doing a 200m cool down. I tried to concentrate on technique rather than speed since I was feeling tired!
Altogether I swam 1800 metres in 43 minutes.
A bike ride tomorrow!
But for now ... a very well deserved glass of wine!
Tonight the plan was to do an 1 hour 15 minutes cycle.
After getting in from work, I had a quick coffee before deciding to get out on my bike - it was starting to look cloudy and I didn't want to risk being caught in rain by waiting too long!
I had a route in mind, but it was a very frustrating start! The traffic going through town was slow and I seemed to hit a red light at every traffic light! Things didn't improve when I hit the country roads - potholes, tractors, elderly drivers and idiot tourists (more interested in the scenery than the roads!) all seemed to be out to get me!
I felt I was risking life and limb just being out on the road on 2 wheels! Thankfully the rain stayed away and the sun actually tried to shine although it was still fairly chilly!
As I approached home I realised I was 10 minutes down on the time I was supposed to do but I decided not to push my luck by extending it! I was feeling lucky to have escaped injury free!
Hopefully, I will feel slightly more comfortable and confident next time and I can make up the extra 10 minutes!
I only managed a very slow 12.78 miles but it's better than nothing!
Amazingly after 2 swims, 2 runs and 2 cycles so far this week my body doesn't feel too bad!
Still feeling positive!
Bring it on!
Tonight is Tri Club Swimming night which is always a hard session for me, but I knew tonight was going to be doubly hard as my training plan said I was to do a 30 minute easy run with drills beforehand!
The way I am feeling at the moment - if the plan says it I've got to do it!
So off I went for my little run! I started off with a warm-up before going into the drills - high knees, butt kicks, skips, bounds! I must admit I felt fairly silly doing these alone! However, I tried to have a thick skin and not let the weird looks worry me!
I ended up doing 2.47 miles in total before going swimming!
I couldn't believe it when they announced that tonight was going to be an endurance session!
In my head endurance = HARD!
After a 300m warm-up followed by drills we went into a pyramid session.
Altogether I swam 2000 metres and could still talk at the end!
I tried not to let my brain engage when I got home from work this evening, and instead went straight upstairs to get changed into my workout gear!
Didn't even stop for a coffee - as that is fatal!
After checking my bike over and setting up my "transition" area in the garage I set off into the cold and wind on my bike!
I have been feeling quite irritated today as according to the radio and TV the UK is a sunny happy place at the moment - well it isn't here and I am sure come the Summer it will be US who get the hosepipe ban (as usual) when the Southerners still get to use OUR water despite it being hot down there and wet here! Rant over!
Anyhow, I tried to keep a steady pace and managed to cycle 12.14 miles at an average 13.3 MPH which is as good as it gets for me!
Feeling a little windswept, I quickly parked my bike, whipped off my cycling shorts which were on over the top of my running tights, changed my shoes and removed my jacket and helmet, had a quick drink and I was soon good to go again!
This transition took 2 minutes 21 secs!
When I first started running I felt tired and slow but funnily enough I had managed a fairly swift (for me) 8.40 minute mile before it all went downhill or should I say uphill (quite literally!). In the end I had run 4.95 miles at an average 9.06 minute mile pace. Not too bad after a 12 mile cycle!
Beginning to feel I can do this - all I needed was a plan!
Hello Remember me?
2 weeks off work for Easter and 2 weeks off blogging! Just when I thought I would have more time for "me" it appears I actually had less!
In my 2 weeks off I ran Madrid Half Marathon and survived Born Survivor - but only just! You can read how I got on in Madrid here and what happened in Born Survivor here!
I used the build up to these events as an excuse to be lazy - afterall I was tapering, and then after Born Survivor I wasn't really in any fit state to do anything! My body was battered and bruised and it took me all my time to persuade my arms that they could actually brush my hair (so no chance swimming!) and my legs weren't keen on standing let alone running!
However, I am now recovered and I must be a stronger person for the experience so it's time to stop making excuses and to get on with some serious training!
Windermere Olympic Distance Triathlon is in 12 weeks time, so today I started a 12 week training plan to focus my mind!
The first workout on the plan was a swim and I was determined to put some effort into the session and make it worthwhile!
After the warm-up I was feeling a lot more positive and tried to push my speed as fast as I could maintain! I managed 1750m in 41 minutes with my fastest 25m being in 28 seconds and my fastest 300m set was 6 minutes 28 seconds.
I was pleased with the effort I put into this tonight and was relatively pleased with my overall speed considering I had the breaststroke brigade and the chatty Betty's to contend with!
I feel I am finally back!