Sunday, 19 April 2015

Feeling tired at the end of week 1!

This morning I went for a trail run with a very fit and fast friend who is training for the Lakeland 100 at the moment!

She had done a 28 mile training run yesterday and was suffering badly from a hangover so I was hopeful that for once I might actually be able to keep up with her!

Although she was running on tired legs I was also running on tired legs after conquering 3 wainwrights yesterday coupled with all the cycling, running and swimming I have done this week!

When I left my house it appeared to be a bright sunny morning so I dressed in three-quarter running tights and a T Shirt.  I met my friend at around 10.20 am and off we set on our usual hilly route to Cunswick Scar, Scouts Scar and then back!

My legs felt heavy from the off and although my friend was going slower than usual, so was I!

Once we got up on the tops it was really windy and I was cold!  I had to keep running just to keep warm - I began to wish I had worn a long sleeved top!

Despite the wind and the cold it was a good run and I pushed myself harder than I would have if I had gone alone!  Actually if I had gone alone there is no way I would have covered the distance I would have found a short cut home!

We ran 10.08 miles at an 11.07 minute mile pace which appears slow but with the tricky terrain and hills I don't think I could go any faster!

You can view my run here.

My legs now have a day to recover before I go to a running club for the first time!

I have tried other clubs in the past and have always felt like the worst runner in the world when I have been left for dust at the back!  This club assures me they are not like that!

Watch this space to see how I get on!

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