The distances involved were a 400m pool swim (16 lengths), 18km Bike (11.18 miles) and a 5K Run (3.1 miles).
I was in the first swim wave and my start time was 8.00.20 which meant an early morning Sunday get-up!
I set my alarm for 6.30am and when I opened the curtains I was delighted to see the sun attempting to peek out between the clouds although there was a heavy frost on the ground. However, considering the weather we have suffered lately this was bliss!
I got up and attempted to eat two Weetabix and milk but my nervous tummy wasn't very receptive to this early morning onslaught! I had a couple of slurps of coffee before going to get into my Tri gear.
I had packed my transition box the night before and after I had rechecked it, double rechecked it and triple rechecked it I put it in the car for my husband to take down to the race start. I had the most important thing in there, my running shoes, and anything else missing I could do without!
After getting ready I went to check over my bike and pump up my tyres.
I left home on my bike at 7.15am for the 1 mile cycle to the triathlon start at the local leisure centre.
By the time I had registered and received my race numbers my husband had arrived with my transition box and I was able to rack my bike and get my area organised. I put my race numbers in the appropriate places - one for my bike, three for my helmet, one for my box and one for me to wear on my race belt!
By 7.45am I was ready to head to the poolside in plenty of time for the briefing and to receive my timing chip. I securely attached my timing chip to my left ankle and nervously waited to be told my race lane and swim position. I was allocated lane 4 and was the 2nd swimmer setting off 10 seconds after the first swimmer.
We had a few minutes to warm up before being called back to poolside to await the count down, by now I was feeling calm and ready to go!
I was soon on my way and by half a length I was tapping the feet of the person in front, although at the end of the first length she didn't let me pass as I had hoped.

What I hadn't banked on was lapping the other 3 ladies and having to negotiate several passing's!
At one point I had to resort to breaststroke as they were going so slow and I couldn't get passed! I had a quick glance at my Garmin to check how I was doing and felt dismay when I realised I hadn't started it off!
At one point I had to resort to breaststroke as they were going so slow and I couldn't get passed! I had a quick glance at my Garmin to check how I was doing and felt dismay when I realised I hadn't started it off!
I was just going to have to swim and hope for the best!
When I eventually managed to finish the swim much slower than I had planned I ducked under the rope to climb out via the steps rather than muster enough energy to heave myself out! I was third out of the pool and I can honestly say I can't remember the cold air hitting me as I exited the building!
I ran up to the area where my bike was racked, put on my helmet, jacket, shoes and gloves before trying to put my cycling glasses on but they broke in my hands so I had to do without in the early morning sun! I tried to have a quick fiddle with my Garmin to get it going but couldn't work out what was wrong with it so set off before I wasted any more time.
I was soon out of transition and was able to mount my bike before heading out onto the roads.
I really enjoyed the cycle but unfortunately 2 sets of temporary traffic lights had unexpectedly appeared on the route which unfortunately slowed me down as each time I got to them they were on red! (I had to pass both sets twice!). At one point I got fed up of waiting for the green light I skirted around them on the path!
Despite wearing gloves my hands were very cold and numb which made changing gear tricky as I couldn't feel the lever!
Before I knew it I was back to transition and was dismounting and shuffling (pushing my bike) to the transition area to rack my bike and get ready to run! Apparently I was first back into transition with my bike - its a pity it didn't mean that I had won!
I quickly threw off my jacket and gloves, changed my shoes, but then PANIC I couldn't unclip my helmet!
My hands were so cold and numb I just couldn't manage it!
After what seemed like a lifetime of fiddling I asked a kind looking female triathlete next to me to help me and thankfully she willing did!
I then grabbed my juice bottle and was on my way! I was able to fiddle with my Garmin whilst running and managed to get it going before I wasted too much more time.
My feet were so cold and numb I could barely feel them as I ran! It was only once they started to warm up and I got chronic pins and needles that I realised how cold I had got!
I pushed on running as fast as my tired legs would allow but I didn't feel like I was going fast enough!
A swift glance at my Garmin confirmed my pace was acceptable so I stopped worrying!
I was pleased to see the finishing arch and I realised I had survived another Tri!
I was presented with a nice medal, a mug and some Kendal Mint Cake!
Despite the few problems experienced I did enjoy the tri and waited eagerly for the results as I had no idea how I had done since my Garmin hadn't worked!
When the results finally came through I was slightly disappointed as I was slower than last year but strangely I did actually feel a lot stronger!
I'm blaming the cold weather, the malfunction of my Garmin, my helmet, the slow swimmers and the traffic lights!
So here are my times compared to last years!
400 Metre Swim, last year 8:52, this year 9:40
transition 1, last year 2:01, this year 2:37
18K Cycle, last year 47:30, this year 48:20
transition 2, last year 3:10, this year 2:45
5K run, last year 27:10, this year 27:24
Last Years Finish Time 1:28:03
This Years Finish Time 1:30:47
However, I was cheered up slightly when I studied the results and realised I was 5th in my age category and 34th Female.
Not quite as impressive is the fact I was 149th / 209 finishers.
Onwards and upwards from here!
Hopefully I will improve significantly by July and The Windermere Olympic Triathlon!
When I eventually managed to finish the swim much slower than I had planned I ducked under the rope to climb out via the steps rather than muster enough energy to heave myself out! I was third out of the pool and I can honestly say I can't remember the cold air hitting me as I exited the building!
I ran up to the area where my bike was racked, put on my helmet, jacket, shoes and gloves before trying to put my cycling glasses on but they broke in my hands so I had to do without in the early morning sun! I tried to have a quick fiddle with my Garmin to get it going but couldn't work out what was wrong with it so set off before I wasted any more time.
I was soon out of transition and was able to mount my bike before heading out onto the roads.
I really enjoyed the cycle but unfortunately 2 sets of temporary traffic lights had unexpectedly appeared on the route which unfortunately slowed me down as each time I got to them they were on red! (I had to pass both sets twice!). At one point I got fed up of waiting for the green light I skirted around them on the path!
Despite wearing gloves my hands were very cold and numb which made changing gear tricky as I couldn't feel the lever!
Before I knew it I was back to transition and was dismounting and shuffling (pushing my bike) to the transition area to rack my bike and get ready to run! Apparently I was first back into transition with my bike - its a pity it didn't mean that I had won!
I quickly threw off my jacket and gloves, changed my shoes, but then PANIC I couldn't unclip my helmet!
My hands were so cold and numb I just couldn't manage it!
After what seemed like a lifetime of fiddling I asked a kind looking female triathlete next to me to help me and thankfully she willing did!
I then grabbed my juice bottle and was on my way! I was able to fiddle with my Garmin whilst running and managed to get it going before I wasted too much more time.
My feet were so cold and numb I could barely feel them as I ran! It was only once they started to warm up and I got chronic pins and needles that I realised how cold I had got!
I pushed on running as fast as my tired legs would allow but I didn't feel like I was going fast enough!
A swift glance at my Garmin confirmed my pace was acceptable so I stopped worrying!
I was pleased to see the finishing arch and I realised I had survived another Tri!
I was presented with a nice medal, a mug and some Kendal Mint Cake!
Despite the few problems experienced I did enjoy the tri and waited eagerly for the results as I had no idea how I had done since my Garmin hadn't worked!
When the results finally came through I was slightly disappointed as I was slower than last year but strangely I did actually feel a lot stronger!
I'm blaming the cold weather, the malfunction of my Garmin, my helmet, the slow swimmers and the traffic lights!
So here are my times compared to last years!
400 Metre Swim, last year 8:52, this year 9:40
transition 1, last year 2:01, this year 2:37
18K Cycle, last year 47:30, this year 48:20
transition 2, last year 3:10, this year 2:45
5K run, last year 27:10, this year 27:24
Last Years Finish Time 1:28:03
This Years Finish Time 1:30:47
However, I was cheered up slightly when I studied the results and realised I was 5th in my age category and 34th Female.
Not quite as impressive is the fact I was 149th / 209 finishers.
Hopefully I will improve significantly by July and The Windermere Olympic Triathlon!
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