This was my first Lakeland Trail Race so I had no idea what to expect!
I set my alarm for 8.30am (at least I got a little lie in!) and when I woke up I was delighted to see it was a nice bright Autumnal morning so I opted to wear my vest top and cropped tights and hoped I wouldn't be cold on the top of the fell!
I forced down some porridge and a banana and had a sip of coffee before setting off at 9.30am for the 25 mile journey to Coniston.
We arrived just before 10.30am and parked in the events car park which was situated in a field adjacent to the lake.
We then walked to the race HQ to register and collect my race number and timing chip. There was a long queue but eventually I was sorted and we then headed back to the car to get ready the 12 O' Clock start!
I took off my outer layers and pinned my race number to my vest, however the timing chip confused me slightly and I couldn't for the life of me fathom out how I was supposed to attach the actual chip to the strap! Everything I did seemed wrong and it flapped around my ankle annoyingly! Eventually I managed to attach it in my own unique way which was definitely not how other people had attached theirs but it was comfortable which was my main aim!
By now it was 11.30am and I needed a quick visit to the loo before the race started, however there was only 6 toilets and what seemed like hundreds of runners already queuing! I joined the queue and started to stress that I was going to miss the start! Luckily I managed to go to the loo and get to the start with minutes to spare!
I was feeling exceptionally nervous as I wasn't feeling very fit and I haven't done much off road running since my calf injury, but on a positive note the sun was shining and it was a glorious day for October!
My aim was to enjoy the race and finish it in one piece - with no time goal in mind!
Not knowing the course I just ran it as I found it.
The first mile was relatively easy and then we went up!
More than the next 2 miles were uphill.
The hard packed gravel type track changed to looser scree and ultimately single track rocky path.
The views were fantastic, that is when I was able to take my eyes off the path to look at them! I had prepared myself for the uneven and rocky paths but not for the elevation! There was one short 200m section around the 4km mark which in my opinion only agile mountain goats would be able to run, and an agile mountain goat I'm not! Actually there was a lot more than the 200m stretch that I couldn't run and I ended up walking an awful lot more than I have ever done before whilst I am supposed to be running!
The main problem was persuading my body to start to run again after it had been walking - it really wasn't up for it! There were parts that even if I had wanted to run the paths were so congested with people walking it was impossible to pass but I was pleased of the excuse to walk!
I cursed selecting to do the longer 15K route, what was wrong with booking the easier, lower elevation 10K!
The route then thankfully flattened out and had a mile downhill through some very technical sections. I hate running downhill because I always put the brakes on out of fear of falling and then every Tom, Dick and Harry overtake me!
By now I was feeling tired and I found the next half mile very tough. It was up again, but not that steep. I was grateful that I had worn for my vest top and had take my own drink as I was exceptionally hot and thirsty!
Miles 6-8 were downhill again giving me lots to think about!.With lots of loose scree and rock, it took full concentration to make my feet go exactly where I wanted them to go. I was pleased when I was down and it flattened out but by now I was totally exhausted and just wanted it all to be over!
The last mile was the longest mile ever back along the side of Coniston Water, flat but with tree roots to catch you out as well as a wall to climb over! Thankfully the wall had been dismantled for the occasion so it was just the stones I had to clamber over which was tough enough at this stage in the game!
This final stretch to the finish seemed endless! I could see the finishing arch but it wasn't getting any closer!
I was thrilled when I finally crossed the finish line but was very put out that after all my effort and total exhaustion all I got was a poxy T Shirt and there was not a medal in sight!
I had crossed the line in 1:49:36 and you can view the route here!
I finished 286th out of 402 runners!
I am not sure I would put myself through this one again!

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