Monday, 13 April 2015

Where did the time go?

Hello Remember me?

2 weeks off work for Easter and 2 weeks off blogging! Just when I thought I would have more time for "me" it appears I actually had less!

In my 2 weeks off I ran Madrid Half Marathon and survived Born Survivor - but only just!  You can read how I got on in Madrid here and what happened in Born Survivor here!

I used the build up to these events as an excuse to be lazy - afterall I was tapering, and then after Born Survivor I wasn't really in any fit state to do anything!  My body was battered and bruised and it took me all my time to persuade my arms that they could actually brush my hair (so no chance swimming!) and my legs weren't keen on standing let alone running!

However, I am now recovered and I must be a stronger person for the experience so it's time to stop making excuses and to get on with some serious training!

Windermere Olympic Distance Triathlon is in 12 weeks time, so today I started a 12 week training plan to focus my mind!

The first workout on the plan was a swim and I was determined to put some effort into the session and make it worthwhile!

After the warm-up I was feeling a lot more positive and tried to push my speed as fast as I could maintain!  I managed 1750m in 41 minutes with my fastest 25m being in 28 seconds and my fastest 300m set was 6 minutes 28 seconds.  

I was pleased with the effort I put into this tonight and was relatively pleased with my overall speed considering I had the breaststroke brigade and the chatty Betty's to contend with!

I feel I am finally back!

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