Thursday, 16 April 2015

Just a ride!

Tonight the plan was to do an 1 hour 15 minutes cycle.

After getting in from work, I had a quick coffee before deciding to get out on my bike - it was starting to look cloudy and I didn't want to risk being caught in rain by waiting too long!

I had a route in mind, but it was a very frustrating start!  The traffic going through town was slow and I seemed to hit a red light at every traffic light!  Things didn't improve when I hit the country roads - potholes, tractors, elderly drivers and idiot tourists (more interested in the scenery than the roads!) all seemed to be out to get me!

Andy Singer cartoon "It's the Urban Safety Cycle" of bicyclist with ridiculous protective gear such as a personal lawyer and a cannonI felt I was risking life and limb just being out on the road on 2 wheels!  Thankfully the rain stayed away and the sun actually tried to shine although it was still fairly chilly!

As I approached home I realised I was 10 minutes down on the time I was supposed to do but I decided not to push my luck by extending it!  I was feeling lucky to have escaped injury free!

Hopefully, I will feel slightly more comfortable and confident next time and I can make up the extra 10 minutes!

I only managed a very slow 12.78 miles but it's better than nothing!

Amazingly after 2 swims, 2 runs and 2 cycles so far this week my body doesn't feel too bad!

Still feeling positive!

Bring it on!

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