Since my calf was feeling OK I decided to brave another short run just to test it out!
Unfortunately this wasn't one of my better ideas!
In my wisdom I decided that perhaps if I ran off road it would be kinder and gentler on my calf!
The tricky bit is finding an off-road run around these parts that doesn't involve a great big bloody fell! I decided to drive to Levens Park and attempted a 3 mile circuit.
Initially all felt good but then after about 3/4 of a mile my calf just bagan to niggle, by the one mile mark I realised that I wasn't going to manage the 3 miles without considerable pain so I turned around and ran/walked back the same way I came!
Usually I am scared of cows and will do anything to avoid them, today I was confronted with a herd of Deer all standing their ground on the path looking rather scary with huge antlers!
The first time I went past they didn't seem very interested in me so I was surprised when I was returning that a couple decided to trot along behind me!
I wasn't very happy with the thought of getting an antler up my jacksy but I couldn't even put a spurt of speed on to get away! Thankfully they soon lost interest and turned back again to rejoin their mates!
By the time I got to the car I had done 1.94 miles at an average 11.01 minute mile pace and had very sore calf! It was so sore it was actually painful to drive!
Luckily I already had an physio appointment for this afternoon so I went hoping he would sort me out! A good massage did make it feel much better but I was very disappointed when he told me that I couldn't do any exercise except swimming for a minimum of 2 weeks!
Luckily I am going on holiday to Cyprus on Saturday for 2 weeks so I shouldn't miss it too much.
I told him I had a trail race on the 3rd September and he didn't seem very optimistic that I would be able to do it!
I'm trying to stay positive but it's hard!
I have dabbled with Triathlons and have decided that for now I am going to concentrate on running and Open Water Swimming! I am very lucky to live in one of the most beautiful places in the UK and to have Lake Windermere as my local playground!
Race Reviews!
- Manchester Marathon April 2018
- Morecambe Superbowl 10K - June 2017
- Liverpool Rock N Roll Half Marathon - May 2017
- The London Marathon - April 2017
- Wilmslow Half Marathon - March 2017
- Brampton to Carlisle 10 Mile Race- Nov 2016
- The Windmill 10K - November 2016
- Great Cumbrian Run - October 2016
- Kendal Sprint Triathlon - April 2016
- Wray Scarecrow Festival 10K - April 2016
- Lancaster Valentines 10K - February 2016
- 10K Lancaster Flood Relief - January 2016
- Brampton to Carlisle 10 Mile Road Race - November 2015
- Helvellyn 10K Lakeland Trails - November 2015
- Coniston 15K Lakeland Trail Run - October 2015
- Grasmere Gallop 17K Trail Race - June 2015
- The Great North Swim - June 2015
- Liverpool Rock "n" Roll Half Marathon - June 2015
- Keswick Mountain Festival Triathlon - May 2015
- Kendal Sprint Triathlon- April 2015
- Born Survivor - April 2015
- Madrid Half Marathan - March 2015
- Eden Valley Epic Sportive - March 2015
- Dalemain 10K Marmalade Trail Run - March 2015
- Grizedale 13 - February 2015
- Central Lancs Half Marathon - January 2015
Wednesday, 29 July 2015
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Busy building an Ark ...
It has been so wet here I have even contemplated building an Ark!
Consequently due to the weather I haven't managed to get out on my bike since the recurrence of my injury on Saturday!
Tonight was my usual open water training session with the tri club!
However, I opted out!
Well there were many factors that supported this decision ...
So there's all my excuses out in the open and you might think with the way I have been lately that I just slobbed around on the sofa all night instead keeping dry and warm!
This was a very tempting scenario but I forced myself to go to the pool instead!
I must admit I wasn't looking forward to it as I suspected it would be full of screaming kids and teenagers, however I was pleasantly surprised!
It was relatively quiet and I just had to share a swimming lane with one other swimmer so no lane rage to contend with either!
However, after the first 8 lengths I contemplated getting out ... I just wasn't feeling it! The pool felt warm and I felt tired and lethargic but I gave myself a good talking to and continued!
Once I got into my rhythm I entered the trance like state induced by mindlessly swimming lengths up and down and enjoyed a fairly relaxing swim! I can never say Open Water Swimming is relaxing for me as my body is constantly on high alert for possible dangers so it was a pleasant change!
I did 2000 metres (1.24 miles or 80 lengths) in 47 minutes at an average 2.22 per 100 metres pace!
I hadn't pushed hard but had enjoyed the session and was pleased I hadn't braved the lake after all!
Consequently due to the weather I haven't managed to get out on my bike since the recurrence of my injury on Saturday!
Tonight was my usual open water training session with the tri club!
However, I opted out!
Well there were many factors that supported this decision ...
- The couple whose house we swim from (which is on the shores of Lake Windermere) were on holiday, meaning no indoor changing facilities!
- It was raining torrentially! I didn't fancy battling to get changed - in the open-air I would get soaked and cold and in the car its too cramped and uncomfortable!
- With the heavy rain the lake would be choppy and cold, not very appealing!
- With the heavy rain and low mist we wouldn't be very visible in the water to boat users even with us all wearing bright orange tow floats! Not very safe!
- The deciding factor being ... with the couple we swim with being on holiday there would be no coffee and cake afterwards! Why put myself through all that for no cake?!
So there's all my excuses out in the open and you might think with the way I have been lately that I just slobbed around on the sofa all night instead keeping dry and warm!
This was a very tempting scenario but I forced myself to go to the pool instead!
I must admit I wasn't looking forward to it as I suspected it would be full of screaming kids and teenagers, however I was pleasantly surprised!
It was relatively quiet and I just had to share a swimming lane with one other swimmer so no lane rage to contend with either!
However, after the first 8 lengths I contemplated getting out ... I just wasn't feeling it! The pool felt warm and I felt tired and lethargic but I gave myself a good talking to and continued!
Once I got into my rhythm I entered the trance like state induced by mindlessly swimming lengths up and down and enjoyed a fairly relaxing swim! I can never say Open Water Swimming is relaxing for me as my body is constantly on high alert for possible dangers so it was a pleasant change!
I did 2000 metres (1.24 miles or 80 lengths) in 47 minutes at an average 2.22 per 100 metres pace!
I hadn't pushed hard but had enjoyed the session and was pleased I hadn't braved the lake after all!
Monday, 27 July 2015
The good times didn't last long!
On Thursday evening I went swimming in Lake Windermere and although it was a dry evening the lake was exceptionally choppy! I don't know what was wrong with me but I couldn't get in the right head space to do a decent swim. My goggles didn't help matters as they kept leaking (which they never do) - I think the waves were hitting me side on and were knocking my goggles slightly allowing water to seep in!
Anyhow, despite wanting to stop and get out I preserved and managed to swim our usual 1 mile route. David who I swim with told me in no uncertain terms how crap I was and when I tried to defend myself by saying I was only 3 minutes slower for the mile than last week he retorted "3 minutes! Bannister ran a mile in 4!" I know he was joking but it made me feel worse!
On Friday morning I decided to go out on my bike. The forecast said it was dry until 2pm ish so I thought I would get a good ride in without getting wet ... I was wrong because they were wrong!
Unfortunately I unintentionally picked an exceptionally hilly route which also had some very narrow cow pat laden roads to negotiate which made my speed slow! However, despite this and getting slightly damp I enjoyed the ride and managed 24.69 miles at a disappointingly slow average speed of 12.8mph. You can view the route here!
My calf was still feeling fine so on Saturday morning I decided to go for another gentle run following on from the success I had on Thursday! It wasn't to be! After about half a mile it started to niggle and gradually got worse until just before the 1 mile mark I decided it would be wise to call it a day and give up! I walked (limped) home feeling exceptionally sad and disheartened. Will I ever successfully run again or should I just accept defeat and take up knitting?!

I'm hoping given time it will work wonders on the rest of my body which is currently feeling exceptionally tired and old!
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Happy! Happy! Happy!
This morning I managed my first post-calf injury run! My first successful run in 5 weeks!
I was feeling extremely anxious about it when I set off as I didn't want to end up back at square one again if it did what it did last time I tried a run!
It was a bright sunny but windy morning when I set off and I didn't really have a route in mind - I thought I would just run and if things didn't feel right I would come back!
I got past the 1 mile mark where my calf "pinged" last time and started to feel slightly more positive that things would be OK.
I didn't dare push it too much and tried to keep a fairly slow and constant pace.
I was delighted to see my house come into view and I was still pain-free!
I had successfully run 3.39 miles at an average 9.12 minute mile pace!
It was slightly ouchy when I foam rollered it afterwards but when isn't foam rollering painful?!
Onwards and upwards!

It was a bright sunny but windy morning when I set off and I didn't really have a route in mind - I thought I would just run and if things didn't feel right I would come back!
I got past the 1 mile mark where my calf "pinged" last time and started to feel slightly more positive that things would be OK.
I didn't dare push it too much and tried to keep a fairly slow and constant pace.
I was delighted to see my house come into view and I was still pain-free!
I had successfully run 3.39 miles at an average 9.12 minute mile pace!
It was slightly ouchy when I foam rollered it afterwards but when isn't foam rollering painful?!
Onwards and upwards!
Tuesday, 21 July 2015
Schools out for Summer ...
but I'm still in!
Although the kids finished school on Friday for the long Summer break, I have been back in all day yesterday and today cleaning out cupboards and discarding bag loads of RUBBISH!
Thankfully I haven't felt too bad being stuck in as the weather has been appalling and I wouldn't have been able to get out very far!
Anyhow, this evening I braved my usual tri club swim in Lake Windermere and thankfully by the time we got there it had stopped raining, but it was looking a little dark and grim!
I was feeling exceptionally tired and wasn't really in the right headspace but I forced myself to go in! It was much much colder than it has been of late and fairly choppy! I won't go as far as saying I enjoyed it but I endured it and managed to do the usual 1 mile route!
I haven't been feeling so great recently - exceptionally tired and achy despite not exercising at all! I'm hoping a little bit of sunshine when I'm on holiday in a couple of weeks and getting back into exercise and clean living will help!
I'm excited yet nervous about giving running a go on Thursday!
My calf currently feels fine ... but then again it did last time until I started running! It's been 5 weeks since the initial injury, and 3 weeks since attempting to run! Surely that is long enough for it be be healed!
Feeling frustrated!
Although the kids finished school on Friday for the long Summer break, I have been back in all day yesterday and today cleaning out cupboards and discarding bag loads of RUBBISH!
Thankfully I haven't felt too bad being stuck in as the weather has been appalling and I wouldn't have been able to get out very far!
Anyhow, this evening I braved my usual tri club swim in Lake Windermere and thankfully by the time we got there it had stopped raining, but it was looking a little dark and grim!
I was feeling exceptionally tired and wasn't really in the right headspace but I forced myself to go in! It was much much colder than it has been of late and fairly choppy! I won't go as far as saying I enjoyed it but I endured it and managed to do the usual 1 mile route!
I haven't been feeling so great recently - exceptionally tired and achy despite not exercising at all! I'm hoping a little bit of sunshine when I'm on holiday in a couple of weeks and getting back into exercise and clean living will help!
I'm excited yet nervous about giving running a go on Thursday!
My calf currently feels fine ... but then again it did last time until I started running! It's been 5 weeks since the initial injury, and 3 weeks since attempting to run! Surely that is long enough for it be be healed!
Feeling frustrated!
Thursday, 16 July 2015
Junk food and alcohol have replaced my exercise regime over the past 3 weeks when I have been unable to do anything!
However tonight I was feeling exceptionally low so I gave myself a good talking to and decided to go out on my bike! My physio said on Monday that I could do some cycling as long as I kept a high gear (or is it a low gear?!) so that my cadence was high and there was no pressure was on my calf!
It was a warm but windy evening and I really enjoyed being back out on my bike!
I managed 13.56 miles at an average speed of 14.2 MPH which I am delighted with considering my appalling lifestyle recently and the number of toxins I have pumped into my body!
On Tuesday night I went swimming in Lake Windermere and for once it was calm and the water was relatively warm (compared with what it has been!). I felt strong and really enjoyed the swim! I think since it's the only type of exercise I have been able to do I have enjoyed it more! Altogether we swam 1.06 miles!
Last day at school tomorrow before I break up for the Summer Holidays! I am keeping my fingers crossed that when I try and run next week my calf behaves and I can spend my Summer enjoying some nice scenic trail runs and have some days out cycling.
Monday, 13 July 2015
ANOTHER 10 Days ...
until I can run!
I went to physio again tonight and he said I can't run until a week on Thursday and even then I can only do a couple of miles until I see how my calf goes!
I can swim and cycle in the meantime but to be honest my get up and go has got up and gone ... If I can't run I'm going sulk and stamp my foot ... I don't wanna play anymore!
I really must get a grip and get back out there before I morph into a couch potato!
Feeling RUBBISH!

I went to physio again tonight and he said I can't run until a week on Thursday and even then I can only do a couple of miles until I see how my calf goes!
I can swim and cycle in the meantime but to be honest my get up and go has got up and gone ... If I can't run I'm going sulk and stamp my foot ... I don't wanna play anymore!
I really must get a grip and get back out there before I morph into a couch potato!
Feeling RUBBISH!

Thursday, 9 July 2015
My 1st Cross Lake Swim!
What an adventure!
Tonight I am feeling exceptionally chuffed with my little self as I did my first ever cross Lake Windermere Swim - and it was in exceptionally rough waters!
Before swimming, I also had to brave my very first kayaking journey! Luckily I wasn't paddling or it might have been a very different story!
I met my swimming friend David, who had brought along his kayaking friend to support us in our swim.
David was swimming there and back, but with this being my first cross lake adventure I decided just to do the return leg! I was slightly anxious about freaking out in the middle of the lake!
However, sitting in the front of a kayak with choppy water and strong winds wasn't the easy ride I was expecting! I was soaking wet and freezing by the time we got across, after being constantly slapped in the face by waves!! I was surprised the kayak didn't sink as it had so much water in the bottom of it! I was even thinking swimming both ways would have been the wise move!
Anyhow, believe it or not I was so cold that actually getting into the lake and swimming warmed me up!
I tried to remain calm as the waves tossed me around like a rag doll but it was comforting to see the kayak every time I breathed to my right!
Altogether I swam 0.89 mile in 30 minutes, so not a great distance but a big challenge to me going across the lake! Next time I will attempt to swim there and back - the things I will do to avoid another kayak ride!
You can view my swim here!
I really feel as if I have accomplished something this evening!
I might not be able to run or cycle at the moment but at least I can still swim!
Tonight I am feeling exceptionally chuffed with my little self as I did my first ever cross Lake Windermere Swim - and it was in exceptionally rough waters!
Before swimming, I also had to brave my very first kayaking journey! Luckily I wasn't paddling or it might have been a very different story!
I met my swimming friend David, who had brought along his kayaking friend to support us in our swim.
David was swimming there and back, but with this being my first cross lake adventure I decided just to do the return leg! I was slightly anxious about freaking out in the middle of the lake!
However, sitting in the front of a kayak with choppy water and strong winds wasn't the easy ride I was expecting! I was soaking wet and freezing by the time we got across, after being constantly slapped in the face by waves!! I was surprised the kayak didn't sink as it had so much water in the bottom of it! I was even thinking swimming both ways would have been the wise move!
Anyhow, believe it or not I was so cold that actually getting into the lake and swimming warmed me up!
I tried to remain calm as the waves tossed me around like a rag doll but it was comforting to see the kayak every time I breathed to my right!
Altogether I swam 0.89 mile in 30 minutes, so not a great distance but a big challenge to me going across the lake! Next time I will attempt to swim there and back - the things I will do to avoid another kayak ride!
You can view my swim here!
I really feel as if I have accomplished something this evening!
I might not be able to run or cycle at the moment but at least I can still swim!
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
First pool swim in a while!
My calf has been exceptionally sore today and my hay-fever particularly bad so I didn't want to risk cycling and making both worse. Instead I decided to go for a swim in the local pool.
I haven't been for a pool swim for over 6 weeks! It felt really strange to be swimming without a wet suit on - I felt almost naked!
I started off in the "slow lane"
but soon got frustrated being stuck behind super slow people so I took the brave decision to go in the "fast lane".

I really enjoyed my swim and managed 1800 metres (1.12 miles) in 41.01 minutes.
I'm trying to stay positive although I am struggling at the moment to see the bright side of life!
I am finding it particularly irritating when unfit and unhealthy people stand gloating that they don't exercise because it is bad for you!
If they looked in the mirror they might decide it's better to take the risk ...
Monday, 6 July 2015
I was feeling optimistic!
Despite heavy rain I decided that I would try another run this evening!
My calf felt fine after being rested for over a week and I actually felt quite enthusiastic about doing some exercise after feeling exceptionally down and depressed.
I felt great trepidation as I set off, expecting instant pain to strike my calf!
My confidence started to grow as I got past the half mile mark - this had been my sticking point in my previous runs!
I was just starting to enjoy myself and relax when like a bolt out the blue I got an excruciating pain in my calf again. It was so bad I had to send a SOS call to my husband to pick me up - I couldn't even walk! I had managed 1.10 miles before being stopped in my tracks.
This is beginning to really frustrate me!
However, at least I know I made the right decision to defer the triathlon!
I now have until the 3rd July 2016 to prepare myself!
My calf felt fine after being rested for over a week and I actually felt quite enthusiastic about doing some exercise after feeling exceptionally down and depressed.
I felt great trepidation as I set off, expecting instant pain to strike my calf!
My confidence started to grow as I got past the half mile mark - this had been my sticking point in my previous runs!
I was just starting to enjoy myself and relax when like a bolt out the blue I got an excruciating pain in my calf again. It was so bad I had to send a SOS call to my husband to pick me up - I couldn't even walk! I had managed 1.10 miles before being stopped in my tracks.
This is beginning to really frustrate me!
However, at least I know I made the right decision to defer the triathlon!
I now have until the 3rd July 2016 to prepare myself!
Sunday, 5 July 2015
Deferred and depressed!
Today was the day I have been training hard for, for the last 6 months - Windermere Standard Triathlon!
However, due to my calf injury I have deferred it until 2016.
I have found today particularly upsetting, especially since it was a perfect day weather wise for a tri and the lake was as calm as anything!
Anyhow, for once I made the sensible decision to defer rather than risk further injury and being out of action for even longer!
In the past 3 weeks I haven't been able to run further than half a mile without getting severe calf pain. I haven't even tried to run or cycle for well over a week - I'm hoping completely resting it will allow it to heal.
However I have still managed to do Open Water Swimming and on Thursday evening I swam my furthest distance in open water. I did 1.17 miles in 41 minutes and I felt like I could have kept on swimming!
I don't have any big goals to work towards anymore and this is making me feel very unmotivated and lazy!
Its getting to the point where I don't even want to run or cycle anymore!
I need to give myself a good talking to and get back out there!
However, due to my calf injury I have deferred it until 2016.
I have found today particularly upsetting, especially since it was a perfect day weather wise for a tri and the lake was as calm as anything!
Anyhow, for once I made the sensible decision to defer rather than risk further injury and being out of action for even longer!
In the past 3 weeks I haven't been able to run further than half a mile without getting severe calf pain. I haven't even tried to run or cycle for well over a week - I'm hoping completely resting it will allow it to heal.
However I have still managed to do Open Water Swimming and on Thursday evening I swam my furthest distance in open water. I did 1.17 miles in 41 minutes and I felt like I could have kept on swimming!
I don't have any big goals to work towards anymore and this is making me feel very unmotivated and lazy!
Its getting to the point where I don't even want to run or cycle anymore!
I need to give myself a good talking to and get back out there!

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