On Thursday evening I went swimming in Lake Windermere and although it was a dry evening the lake was exceptionally choppy! I don't know what was wrong with me but I couldn't get in the right head space to do a decent swim. My goggles didn't help matters as they kept leaking (which they never do) - I think the waves were hitting me side on and were knocking my goggles slightly allowing water to seep in!
Anyhow, despite wanting to stop and get out I preserved and managed to swim our usual 1 mile route. David who I swim with told me in no uncertain terms how crap I was and when I tried to defend myself by saying I was only 3 minutes slower for the mile than last week he retorted "3 minutes! Bannister ran a mile in 4!" I know he was joking but it made me feel worse!
On Friday morning I decided to go out on my bike. The forecast said it was dry until 2pm ish so I thought I would get a good ride in without getting wet ... I was wrong because they were wrong!
Unfortunately I unintentionally picked an exceptionally hilly route which also had some very narrow cow pat laden roads to negotiate which made my speed slow! However, despite this and getting slightly damp I enjoyed the ride and managed 24.69 miles at a disappointingly slow average speed of 12.8mph. You can view the route here!
My calf was still feeling fine so on Saturday morning I decided to go for another gentle run following on from the success I had on Thursday! It wasn't to be! After about half a mile it started to niggle and gradually got worse until just before the 1 mile mark I decided it would be wise to call it a day and give up! I walked (limped) home feeling exceptionally sad and disheartened. Will I ever successfully run again or should I just accept defeat and take up knitting?!

I'm hoping given time it will work wonders on the rest of my body which is currently feeling exceptionally tired and old!
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