My calf has been exceptionally sore today and my hay-fever particularly bad so I didn't want to risk cycling and making both worse. Instead I decided to go for a swim in the local pool.
I haven't been for a pool swim for over 6 weeks! It felt really strange to be swimming without a wet suit on - I felt almost naked!
I started off in the "slow lane"
but soon got frustrated being stuck behind super slow people so I took the brave decision to go in the "fast lane".

I really enjoyed my swim and managed 1800 metres (1.12 miles) in 41.01 minutes.
I'm trying to stay positive although I am struggling at the moment to see the bright side of life!
I am finding it particularly irritating when unfit and unhealthy people stand gloating that they don't exercise because it is bad for you!
If they looked in the mirror they might decide it's better to take the risk ...
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