I am on day 4 of my Triathlon Training plan and to be honest I'm really not feeling it!
I think going back to work after 2 weeks holiday during which excessive quantities of alcohol was consumed combined with starting triathlon training is really not a good idea!
I thought I was keen and eager ... but now my get up and go seems to have got up and gone!
I am beginning to doubt myself and I am starting to question my abilities! What was I thinking when I booked?
I need an urgent lesson in growing some self confidence (or a quick kick up the backside!) as I am feeling completely overwhelmed by the task ahead!
However, I have forced myself out of the house and have actually got out there and I have done what needs to be done - just not with much enthusiasm!
On Tuesday night I went to The Tri Club Running Session. Thankfully, it was a nice clear evening and not too cold! It was an easy session with some drills thrown in so not too taxing on my diminished fitness and we covered a total of 4 miles!
On Wednesday evening I went swimming! I had the drills from the plan written down and I went prepared to put the work in. I know drills are hard work and I know we are supposed to do them to improve our technique and I am also very aware that my technique must be fairly crap as I really struggle with drills.
I don't know why but this session nearly killed me! In total I covered 1100 metres and was glad to get out! I felt like a floundering fish most of the time and I didn't seem to make much headway through the water! I was delighted when I finished the session!
Today the plan stipulated a 30 minute easy ride. I don't like cycling in the dark so I opted to go on the stationary bike in the gym instead. With my earphones in I actually quite enjoyed the easiness of this session and covered 7.3 miles in the prescribed 30 minutes! I also did a little bit of strength work whilst I was there!
So despite feeling tired, lethargic and ever so slightly depressed I have still managed to tick all the boxes on my training plan and I have also stayed on track with Jantastic, logging 2 swims, 1 cycle and 1 run so far this week.
After reading this quote I have decided to work on my Confidence and start believing in myself a little bit more!
“An athlete’s self-esteem and self-worth are intimately related to their self-confidence. When athletes feel good about themselves, they are more likely to perform well, especially when the pressure is on. An essential key to developing an unbreakable self-confidence is to cultivate an “inside-out” approach to confidence. This begins by teaching athletes to feel good about who they are and how they do things and ends with them feeling good about themselves regardless of outcomes.” (Vernacchia, 2003)
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