I got dressed in the new cycling gear that I got for my birthday including a new helmet and set off with a route in mind!
After about 5 miles and I had settled into the ride I felt good despite having tired legs from a long swim and a long run from the previous 2 days.
My confidence on the bike was growing and I was really enjoying the ride and challenged myself to push harder to go faster.
I had cycled 32.5 miles and was just a mile from home when disaster struck!
I had joined a roundabout and as I was going round it I was aware of a car approaching the roundabout who didn't appear to be slowing down.
I started to brake but unfortunately it wasn't soon enough and the car I had my eye on shot straight over the give way line and I ended up going into the side of her car, finishing up sprawled over the road.
I picked myself up and pushed my bike off the road then became aware that the car hadn't actually stopped. Luckily for me a couple of pedestrians who were walking past had witnessed what had happened and came to help me. Obviously I was very shocked, as well as bleeding heavily from various wounds. Someone phoned my husband for me and whilst we were waiting for him to collect me I became aware of an old lady who had joined us and heard her say "I just didn't see her" and I realised that she was the driver who had knocked me off! After driving off and leaving me she obviously got a conscience and decided to come back and check on me!
My husband arrived and after getting the drivers details and loading my bike into the car we set off to A and E!
After checking in I was very quickly seen by a Doctor, obviously staggering into A and E in cycling clothes covered in blood is the way to queue jump!

Thankfully no bones were broken but then I had the most painful experience of getting the gravel picked out of my wounds with tweezers! I really struggled with this and didn't know whether I wanted to scream, swear or cry!
It didn't take long and I was soon patched up and ready to go home!
Thankfully my helmet had saved my head from any serious damage! I'm not sure whether to be pleased that it was a new helmet so it worked well, or to be cross that my new helmet is ruined!
After getting home my husband phoned the Police to report what had happened and amazingly they were at my house within 5 minutes of putting the phone down to take my statement. Thankfully they were sympathetic towards me and put the blame firmly at the drivers door!
Yesterday I went to get my wounds redressed and they are healing nicely with no signs of infection! I need to go back on Thursday to get them changed again.
It is now 3 days post accident and I have gone from being "pleased to be alive" to being bloody annoyed that my bike is damaged and will cost £600 to mend!
Hopefully her car insurance will cough up to pay for the damage!
After studying my Strava stats I was rather impressed that my average pace was 14.8 MPH, its a pity it ended so badly!! I was also very surprised to see what my heart rate did on impact, it dropped right down - I had expected to see it spiking high!
Anyhow, I am off work until Monday and then I will have to see how long it is before I brave getting back on a bike!
Although I need to have a bike that is ride-able first!
Its less than 3 weeks until I run Liverpool Half Marathon! I think perhaps this little tumble will have put on spanner in the works and I won't be fit enough to get a PB but who knows what will happen!
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