Tuesday, 8 March 2016

A Swim/Run Brick of sorts!

Tonight I did a swim/run brick of sorts - with a long transition between the two!

When we first arrived at the lake I was feeling slightly nervous as it looked fairly choppy and I hate swimming in choppy waters!

However, I wasn't going to be put off and got ready into my wetsuit without giving the task ahead too much thought!

Once in the lake I started to count my strokes to try and calm myself down and to take my mind off the chop! 

It got to the point where I was fed up of getting a mouth full of water whenever I breathed to the left that I tried just breathing to the right side!  It felt really strange but it saved me from getting waves in my face! Perhaps this is something I need to concentrate on in case I get choppy waters in one of my events!

Strangely enough once I got swimming and had worked out to breath just to one side I really enjoyed the swim!

Once I got home I quickly washed my wet suit etc and then got changed into my running kit for a quick run! 

Despite feeling cold and tired after the swim I really enjoyed the run and managed 3.61 miles at an average 8.53 minute mile pace!

Feeling good!

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