Monday, 31 August 2015

Sunny Bank Holiday Running!

I was amazed when I woke up this morning on a Bank Holiday Monday to the sun shining brightly!  

That is a very unusual thing to happen here in the Lake District!

I set off for my run before I got too comfortable sunning myself in the garden!  

My intention is to keep upping the miles and/or pace from here on in with the hope that I will eventually get back my fitness and start doing the pace I used to!

As it was such a hot morning I donned my shorts and vest top and took a bottle of water with me!

I found it really hard today!  I'm not sure whether it was the heat, the excess alcohol and junk food consumed this weekend or just general unfitness as I tried to push myself!  

I am so pleased I took water with me as it was desperately needed!

Despite feeling shattered I managed my longest run and my fastest pace since my injury!  Things are definitely looking up!

It is 2 weeks today since I did my first run after my holidays and I am a little disappointed that I am still carrying the excess pounds despite doing lots of exercise!

It took 2 weeks to put on 10 pounds, and it is obviously going to take a lot longer to lose it! 

I am nearly half way there, I have managed to lose 4 pounds - only 6 to go!

Image result for losing weight cartoon pictures

Saturday, 29 August 2015

A wet wet wet one!

This morning when I set off for my run it was a cloudy but dry morning.

Within 10 minutes of me setting off it changed and started to rain!  

I must admit it was quite welcome as it was a warm and stuffy morning so the rain felt quite refreshing!  I actually really enjoyed running in the rain and I felt better than I have since I have started running again since my calf injury!

I felt like I could have run further but I don't want to do too much too soon and risk landing back on the injury bench!

I ended up doing 4 miles which is the furthest yet!
I am pleased with my calf!

Onwards and upwards!

Thursday, 27 August 2015

It is still very blustery here which once again made my run this morning hard work ... or is that just because I am so unfit at the moment?
Image result for windy

Although it was blowy it was still fairly warm.

Today I tried to pick a hillier route as all my previous runs since my injury have been fairly flat!

Despite still being slightly bunged up with cold and despite finding it hard work I still enjoyed it!

It's nice to blow the cobwebs away!

My longest post injury run to date so things are looking up!

I have decided that since my calf is now behaving itself and I have had 6 successful pain free runs that I shall start trying to increase the distance and pace slightly from now on. 

Here's hoping it all goes to plan!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Longest OW Swim yet!

I was amazed I made it this evening to swim in Lake Windermere.  

This morning I felt dreadful and was full of cold but my run must have cured me as by this afternoon I was feeling OK so decided to go and see how I felt.

Last week I had stupidly said to my swimming friend David that I would like to try and swim a little further than my usual 1 mile.  

Tonight, I regretted my words and he held me to it even though it was extremely choppy and cold!

When I first got in the water and the waves were swilling over me I was beginning to question my sanity.

To make matters worse we had an audience of Chinese tourists who were standing looking amazed videoing us!  

I must admit if it hadn't been for them I might have actually stopped and said I wasn't up for swimming in such rough conditions but felt too embarrassed - I had to live up to my film star status!

photographWe swam from Millerground to Rough Holme Island, where we had to tread water to allow the "Jazz Boat" to pass us safely.  It was whilst waiting that David pointed out a tree house on the island!  One day I would like to get a canoe and investigate what is on the island further!

The way back felt much easier and not quite as rough!  We were swimming  much further away from the shore than I am used to for a sustained period of time and I felt quite vulnerable but I tried to keep any negative thoughts from creeping into my head and just focused on getting back to the boat house!

Thankfully the tourists had disappeared by the time we returned and we were extremely lucky as just as we stepped out the lake the heavens opened and we had a sudden burst of torrential rain.

Choppy and rain is not a combination I want to experience!

I was disappointed when I stopped my Garmin and it said I had only done 1.24 miles, it felt more like 2 miles but hey ho its still my longest OW swim to date!

You can view my swim here.
After a dreadful night's sleep and waking up full of cold I debated whether to go for a run or just to stay snuggled up in bed feeling sorry for myself.

When I first got up it was throwing it down which helped me make my decision, there was no way I was going run in the rain with a cold!  

However, half an hour later, as if to entice me out the house the rain stopped and the sun came out!

I decided to risk it in the hope that a run would sweat it out of me or at least clear my sinuses!

Kill or Cure!

... and it very nearly killed me!

I hadn't realised that although the rain had stopped there was a really strong wind which I ended up battling making it hard work.

I was feeling so weary and tired I opted to do a shorter run than the 3.5 miles I had planned.

I was pleased that I got back in one piece and without walking!

It wasn't very far but it was far enough in the circumstances!

Here's to better days ahead!

To end on a positive note there has been no grumblings from my calf at all, so fingers crossed that episode is behind me now!

There is always something though!

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Choppy and Dusky

Adventure Lights

Tonight I went swimming with the tri club and I can understand now why we stopped swimming so early last year!  

We stopped at the beginning of September and I thought we were just being wimpy and thinking it was getting too cold but tonight by the time we had swam it was beginning to get dusky and the light was going!  Even the steamer had its lights on!

Perhaps I need to invest in a goggle light?  I have done some research and it appears a green Adventure Light is the best thing to wear to be seen!  I will wait and see if I decide to partake in night-time swimming!  You can't see a damn thing in Lake Windermere in daylight so swimming in the dark isn't going to be that much different I wouldn't of thought! 

Anyhow, I digress we went swimming and the water was much colder than it was on Sunday!  Its amazing how much it can fluctuate in a couple of days!

We did 0.97 of a mile in 36 minutes 58 seconds which is faster than I have done previously!  You can view the swim here.

Tonight I didn't stay to partake in coffee and cakes as I have too much going on elsewhere and had to get back.  

It's much healthier for me too!

Monday, 24 August 2015

Another Run!

It was another sunny morning so I took the opportunity to go for a run before the weather changed.

Determined not to be put off by my experience on Saturday I decided to face my demons and go on the same route!

Thankfully this time it was quiet and I didn't meet any abusive teenagers.  It must have been too early for them and they would probably still be in bed!

It was exceptionally hot but I tried to push on regardless of feeling hot and sweaty.  I hadn't taken a drink with me so I was suffering with the heat!

I managed to complete the route 26 seconds faster than I did on Saturday and that was without the aid of being chased!

Onwards and upwards!

Sunday, 23 August 2015

BBQ Swim!

Today was the first day of Summer we have experienced this year in the rainy Lake District and coincidentally it coincided with The Tri Clubs Annual BBQ!

We enjoyed Burgers, Sausages and lots of other delicious BBQ food along with a bit of healthy salad washed down with Beer and Wine! 

Luckily I was driving so only had sparkling water as swimming in a lake with burgers etc in my stomach was bad enough without the added hindrance of alcohol! It was only the drivers who actually made it for a swim, the rest stuck to paddling at the shore!

The only problem with swimming in Lake Windermere on a hot and sunny Sunday afternoon is the number of reckless tourists out in boats and dinghy's with very little control, mixed with a swimmer with poor sighting skills and it isn't a good combination!

However, I survived dodging the boats and it was pure bliss to get out of the lake and to be able to sit outside in the sun instead of sitting shivering in front of a log fire!

We managed to swim 0.91 miles which can be viewed here and no one drowned!

Instead of the usual cake and coffee we have after swimming, today we had the treat of some scrumptious desserts!  The Tiramisu and Pavlova were to die for!  

I had swum so deserved to indulge!

This is what Summer Sundays should be about!

A fantastic afternoon was had by all!

Saturday, 22 August 2015

Remember: Engage Brain!

Today I managed to run my 3rd post injury run and it turned out to be very eventful! 

 I wasn't really feeling it today as the weather was bad and I had drunk a little too much yesterday!

However, I forced myself to go and my mind was so distracted by other things that I actually forgot to worry about my calf!

Half way through I came across a mixed group of teenagers whilst running on an old canal path. I said "excuse me" several times but they thought it was hilarious to block my way. Finally, and fuming I managed to navigate my way through them and as I got past one shouted "You need to run further lass you still have a fat arse!", without engaging my brain I shouted "Not as fat as your girlfriends!" to which a lot of expletives left his mouth and he came after me! I literally ran for my life and thankfully despite having a fat arse and being unfit I managed to outrun him!!!! 

Once I realised he had given up the chase I started shaking regretting my words big time!

Next time I MUST remember to JUST THINK these things and not say it, however I stand by what I said - His girlfriend did have a fatter arse than me! 

So despite going for a slow easy run I ended up doing a sprint interval and my calf survived and I am thankfully still pain free!

Thursday, 20 August 2015

Braving the Algae again!

Tonight I went swimming in Lake Windermere again, this time starting from Millerground with my swimming friend David armed with my bottle of coke for afterwards to kill any nasties swallowed!

After a rainy morning, I was pleased when it faired up this afternoon and actually turned out to be a fairly nice evening. 

The water was looking particularly murky, probably with the rain washing everything off the fells into it!  

We swam a little way away from the shore doing breaststroke so as not to put our heads into the very murky bit.  Once the water looked clearer we set off doing front crawl for the rest of the way.

I felt slightly stressed when I first set off but after about 100 metres I relaxed into it and forgot about being poisoned by the algae!

At the half mile point we were beginning to get slightly anxious as the Steamer seemed to be heading straight for us!  We moved closer to the shore just to be safe and I was relieved once it had passed although it made waves in the otherwise calm lake! 

I was feeling slightly despondent tonight as I seem to be getting slower rather than faster so I decided to compare my swim to my last OW swim last year!  I was amazed that in September 2014 I swam a mile in 51 minutes tonight we did 1.05 miles in 41 minutes which can be viewed here.

I am feeling much better now I realise I am actually improving!  

Maybe by 2016 I can get it down to 31 minutes!  Dream on!!!

I am pleased to report that my calf is still pain free after yesterdays run and I was very tempted to run again this morning but decided to be sensible and not overdo it too soon! 

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

I'm back on it ... again!

After having a fabulous holiday in sunny Cyprus, and totally resting as per my physios instructions I was horrified to discover that I had managed to put on 10 pounds!

After 19 days of absolutely no exercise I was chomping at the bit to get back on it, but I also felt apprehensive in case my calf starting playing up again!

On Monday morning I decided to try a little run. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful morning which even warranted me wearing my shorts and vest top!

 I set off slowly anxiously waiting to feel a twinge in my calf.  I never totally relaxed as I was certain the pain would creep up on me!   However,  I made it home with absolutely no twinges or aches!  My only problem was I was feeling totally fat and unfit!

I obsessively stretched and foam rollered afterwards and prayed that my time spent on the injury bench was finally coming to an end!

I had run 3.12 miles at an average 9.42 minute mile pace and despite feeling shattered it felt fab to be running again!  

However, I have been in this position before in recent weeks and I've had more come-backs than the Spice Girls, so I am trying not to get over excited about it all!

Yesterday I woke up pain free and was desperate to go for another run but I gave myself a good talking to as my body needs to recover and adapt to running again so instead I went to Lake Windermere with the Tri Club for an Open Water swim.

I was slightly anxious about getting in the lake as there had been reports whilst I was on holiday of blue-green algae but no one else seemed unduly worried and they had swam in the lake numerous times during the "scare" with no issues! I was advised to bring a bottle of coke to drink afterwards to kill any bugs that may have been swallowed from the lake!  I'm not sure whether this is an actual true fact or an old wives tale but anything is worth a try!
Image result for coke bottle
I braced myself for the water to feel unbearably cold compared to the lovely warm Mediterranean sea!  However I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't feel too cold and for once it was really calm! 

There was 18 of us swimming and although I'm never one of the fastest swimmers I am usually in the middle of the pack!  

However, lack of exercise, copious amounts of alcohol and food and an added 10 pounds in body weight ensured I was last!  I wasn't very happy with myself and felt a complete failure but it has made me more determined than ever to get fit again and lose the excess pounds!  Despite being the slowest I still managed just under a mile in 43 minutes.  Since it's the tri club tradition to enjoy coffee and cake after a lake swim I fell at the first hurdle with my diet ... but I had earned it!

On waking up this morning I felt a frisson of excitement ripple through my body at the prospect of going on another run. 

It was another sunny morning but I was still feeling anxious about my calf so couldn't totally enjoy it. 

Determined to be aware of my body and not to risk another set back I took it very slowly again and constantly assessed whether I was feeling any discomfort!

I was delighted to get home after 3.44 miles totally pain free again!

I am going keep at this distance now for a few weeks until I am certain my calf is fully healed before pushing the pace or increasing the mileage!  I'm just so happy to be running again pain free and plan to appreciate every mile I manage!

My pace is much slower than my pre-injury pace but I am determined not to compare my runs with my "old-self" and just enjoy what I am capable of at this very moment in time, which is a lot better than what I could do a few weeks ago!

Although it started off as a lovely sunny morning, by lunch time the rain had come and was set in for the rest of the day!  

Not being able to get out for a walk with the awful weather I decided to burn some calories at the pool instead!  I expected it to be jam packed but I was pleasantly surprised!  There was only 2 other swimmers in my lane, unfortunately one of the two couldn't swim in a straight line to save himself!  I wouldn't mind but he has black lines on the bottom of the pool he can follow, I would hate to see him in a lake!  I had to keep my wits about me when he approached as I was liable to get swam over or hit!

I swam 1700 metres or 1.06 miles in 42 minutes.  I found it hard work and had to convince myself to keep going!  I would have happily stopped after 10 lengths!

Thankfully I haven't suffered any ill effects from the lake yesterday so I will brave it again tomorrow - along with my bottle of coke of course!

Image result for lose weight motivation

Feeling better already for having a plan in place!