This morning I felt dreadful and was full of cold but my run must have cured me as by this afternoon I was feeling OK so decided to go and see how I felt.
Last week I had stupidly said to my swimming friend David that I would like to try and swim a little further than my usual 1 mile.
Tonight, I regretted my words and he held me to it even though it was extremely choppy and cold!
When I first got in the water and the waves were swilling over me I was beginning to question my sanity.
To make matters worse we had an audience of Chinese tourists who were standing looking amazed videoing us!
I must admit if it hadn't been for them I might have actually stopped and said I wasn't up for swimming in such rough conditions but felt too embarrassed - I had to live up to my film star status!
The way back felt much easier and not quite as rough! We were swimming much further away from the shore than I am used to for a sustained period of time and I felt quite vulnerable but I tried to keep any negative thoughts from creeping into my head and just focused on getting back to the boat house!
Thankfully the tourists had disappeared by the time we returned and we were extremely lucky as just as we stepped out the lake the heavens opened and we had a sudden burst of torrential rain.
Choppy and rain is not a combination I want to experience!
I was disappointed when I stopped my Garmin and it said I had only done 1.24 miles, it felt more like 2 miles but hey ho its still my longest OW swim to date!
You can view my swim here.
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