After 19 days of absolutely no exercise I was chomping at the bit to get back on it, but I also felt apprehensive in case my calf starting playing up again!
On Monday morning I decided to try a little run. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful morning which even warranted me wearing my shorts and vest top!
I set off slowly anxiously waiting to feel a twinge in my calf. I never totally relaxed as I was certain the pain would creep up on me! However, I made it home with absolutely no twinges or aches! My only problem was I was feeling totally fat and unfit!
I had run 3.12 miles at an average 9.42 minute mile pace and despite feeling shattered it felt fab to be running again!
However, I have been in this position before in recent weeks and I've had more come-backs than the Spice Girls, so I am trying not to get over excited about it all!
Yesterday I woke up pain free and was desperate to go for another run but I gave myself a good talking to as my body needs to recover and adapt to running again so instead I went to Lake Windermere with the Tri Club for an Open Water swim.
I was slightly anxious about getting in the lake as there had been reports whilst I was on holiday of blue-green algae but no one else seemed unduly worried and they had swam in the lake numerous times during the "scare" with no issues! I was advised to bring a bottle of coke to drink afterwards to kill any bugs that may have been swallowed from the lake! I'm not sure whether this is an actual true fact or an old wives tale but anything is worth a try!
I braced myself for the water to feel unbearably cold compared to the lovely warm Mediterranean sea! However I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't feel too cold and for once it was really calm!
There was 18 of us swimming and although I'm never one of the fastest swimmers I am usually in the middle of the pack!
However, lack of exercise, copious amounts of alcohol and food and an added 10 pounds in body weight ensured I was last! I wasn't very happy with myself and felt a complete failure but it has made me more determined than ever to get fit again and lose the excess pounds! Despite being the slowest I still managed just under a mile in 43 minutes. Since it's the tri club tradition to enjoy coffee and cake after a lake swim I fell at the first hurdle with my diet ... but I had earned it!
On waking up this morning I felt a frisson of excitement ripple through my body at the prospect of going on another run.
It was another sunny morning but I was still feeling anxious about my calf so couldn't totally enjoy it.
Determined to be aware of my body and not to risk another set back I took it very slowly again and constantly assessed whether I was feeling any discomfort!
I was delighted to get home after 3.44 miles totally pain free again!
I am going keep at this distance now for a few weeks until I am certain my calf is fully healed before pushing the pace or increasing the mileage! I'm just so happy to be running again pain free and plan to appreciate every mile I manage!
My pace is much slower than my pre-injury pace but I am determined not to compare my runs with my "old-self" and just enjoy what I am capable of at this very moment in time, which is a lot better than what I could do a few weeks ago!
Although it started off as a lovely sunny morning, by lunch time the rain had come and was set in for the rest of the day!
Not being able to get out for a walk with the awful weather I decided to burn some calories at the pool instead! I expected it to be jam packed but I was pleasantly surprised! There was only 2 other swimmers in my lane, unfortunately one of the two couldn't swim in a straight line to save himself! I wouldn't mind but he has black lines on the bottom of the pool he can follow, I would hate to see him in a lake! I had to keep my wits about me when he approached as I was liable to get swam over or hit!
I swam 1700 metres or 1.06 miles in 42 minutes. I found it hard work and had to convince myself to keep going! I would have happily stopped after 10 lengths!
Thankfully I haven't suffered any ill effects from the lake yesterday so I will brave it again tomorrow - along with my bottle of coke of course!
Feeling better already for having a plan in place!
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