Thursday, 22 January 2015

I hate the Gym ...

but I went anyhow!

Why do I hate the gym I hear you say!

I Hate:

  • People Men flexing in the mirror, looking at themselves so intensely, you’d think they were actually looking at someone else they found attractive. 
  • People Females who arrive at the gym wearing a full face of make-up and jewelry with hair neatly in place, smelling good and looking refreshed who then walk out again 1 hour later looking exactly the same!
  • People who talk on the phone whilst exercising or read a book!  HOW?
  • People that don’t sweat while working out. WTF?
  • MIRRORS - The last thing I need in the middle of my workout is to look at myself in the mirror, with a splotchy, cherry tomato red face, wet strands of hair hanging in my eyes, and sweat stains!
  • People  Men who hog the weight machines and do 3 sets of 5 reps with a 15 minute break in between each set whilst I am waiting to use the machine!
  • Men who stare at females who have the audacity to use the strength machines!
  • The delightful smell of Eau de sweat!
  • The grunts and groans that some people  men think are a necessary part of working out!
  • People Men who don't wipe down the machines after pouring sweat over them!

As you can tell I have a real hate/hate relationship with the gym but I feel I need to make more effort to go and do some upper body strength training to ensure I survive "Born Survivor"!

So back to telling you about the gym that I forced myself to enter!

I managed to survive a full hour and went on the rowing machine, the Watt bike, the hand pedal machine, the chest press and the fly machine before walking out sweaty and disheveled but still feeling very dissatisfied with my workout!

However it satisfies my 30 minute cycle training marked on the Tri Training plan and qualifies as workout 4/6 for Jantastic!

Back to the great outdoors tomorrow and a run! 

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