Thursday, 18 August 2016

Goggle Issues!

This evening I went swimming in Lake Windermere.

It was a fantastic evening for a swim.  My Swimming Buddy was trying to convince me to swim without my wetsuit but I wasn't having any of it! (In hindsight perhaps wetsuitless was the way to go as the lake was rather warm compared with its usual chilly temperature but I am keeping that one quiet!)

The sky was blue, the sun was shining the lake was calm but my goggles spoilt what should have been a perfect swim! 

From the off they kept filling with water and once I got this issue sorted they started to fog up so I couldn't see where I was going at all!

This was a big worry to me as there was a lot of traffic on the lake with it being such a great evening! 

I would have been much happier if I could have seen the little rowing boats, speed boats and big steamers heading my way!  

There was also a lot of teenagers larking around in the water too which unnerved me a little since I couldn't see them!

I tried to stay close to my swimming buddy David but this proved difficult for me as he is naturally a faster swimmer than me and I am a bit of a slow coach at the moment after being on my holidays for 3 weeks!

Thankfully I survived without bumping into anything or anyone but my trauma's didn't stop once I was out!

I realised after staggering to the shore that I couldn't see very well even without my fogged up goggles on!  

It became clear to me that I had lost one of my contact lenses somewhere in the lake! 

Obviously with water leaking into my goggles it had washed one of my contact lenses out 

THEN to add insult to injury, my Garmin decided to play up too! 

After squinting awkwardly with one eye at my Garmin I noticed that although it had recorded the length of time I had swum it hadn't actually tracked the distance!  

I wasn't a happy bunny but thankfully we had done our usual route so I know I did approximately a mile in 45 minutes 53 seconds, which is much slower than our usual time! 

I'm blaming the goggles rather than my fitness levels!

I think it's time to invest in some new goggles as I'm not going through that again - it totally spoilt my swim!

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