Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Back in the Group!

Tonight I was supposed to be going swimming with my swimming Buddy but unfortunately he cancelled on me at the last minute!

I had a very quick decision to make!  

Go and swim in the pool or go back to the Tri Club Open Water Session!  Bearing in mind that it's 10 weeks since I last swam with them and I was one of the slowest then!  

Anyhow, before I could talk myself out of it I decided it was too nice an evening to be stuck in a crowded pool and opted to brave it and was soon on my way to Windermere feeling very apprehensive about how I would fair!

It was nice to catch up with them all again, and although I was one of the ones at the back I wasn't too far behind the other slow ones!  

The group I stuck with did just under a mile, whilst the faster swimmers managed 2 miles! You can view my swim here!

I am pleased I went and now that I have done it I will continue ... until I go on holiday that is and come back very fat and totally unfit!

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