Friday, 15 July 2016

A Wet One!

Today it rained all day, not torrential rain but a steady downpour! 

Despite the rain it was still very warm and clammy!

By the time I had survived another busy day at work I was ready to run off my weekly stresses and believe me I have plenty of stresses to run off!

I got home and went straight out for a run as I was going out later! 

I was still feeling "coldy" with a nose like a tap but hoped the run would sweat it out of me once and for all!

I stupidly opted to put my very lightweight rain jacket on, but wished I hadn't bothered as it was far too hot (although it was probably good for sweating the cold out of me!)

I did my usual Friday night one mile warm-up, before doing a "fast as I can" 5K finishing off with a one mile cool down.

Unfortunately, the weather had driven every Tom, Dick and Harry into their cars and the roads were really busy which meant I had to slow down or stop to allow cars to pass and it was uncomfortably hot which meant my time was slower than I would have wanted!

I managed the 5K in 26:17 which is 16 seconds slower than I did the same route last week! 

Hey Ho I need to work harder!

I got home hot, sweaty and very red in the face just after 5pm and I had a text from my friend saying she would pick me up at 5.40pm for the party we were going to! 

Before I had gone for my run I thought I had plenty of time as I believed we were going out at around 6pm, but I was sadly mistaken so I had a frantic half hour running around like a mad fool trying to cool down whilst making myself look less like a beetroot and a little more respectable!

I think I managed a compromise and went out looking like a respectable beetroot!

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