I set my Garmin up to help me with the training!
Literally just as I got to the bottom of the street the heavens opened and torrential rain started! I did consider turning around and going home but I was already soaking wet through so I thought I might as well continue!
I started off with a warm-up (much needed in the weather!), then once I was at the hill I ran 0.20 miles up, then 0.10 miles down until I eventually made it to the top! This took four intervals and was seriously hard going especially in the rain and wind, then I had to run home which involved more hills - however there was also a nice long descent to enjoy!
Altogether I ran 6.1 miles, climbed 781 feet all at an average 9.43 minute mile pace which I am really pleased with considering the elevation and weather!
I am going to try and repeat this route regularly to strengthen my climbing legs!
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