Wednesday, 3 February 2016

In the swim!

Yesterday I was supposed to be meeting a friend for an evening swim in Lake Windermere but he text me about an hour before we were due to swim to say the lake was too choppy to swim in - again!

Not to be deterred I decided to go for a swim anyway - but in the safety of the pool!

I set my watch for an one hour swim and set off to see how far I could swim in that time.

Thankfully the lanes weren't too busy so I didn't get lane rage!

I managed 2550 metres in that time which is 1.58 miles!  I was really chuffed with this distance!  Last week when I swam for an hour I managed 2500 metres and the week before 2450 metres so I am improving!

Tonight I went to the pool again - this time for the Tri Club training session.

Unfortunately for me it was a very hard night made up mainly of drills!

I was absolutely exhausted by the end but hopefully the pain will make me a better swimmer in the long run!

I swam 1900 metres which is 1.18 miles so not a bad distance especially after last nights swim!

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