Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Janathon - Day 5 - Feeling Positive!

It was back to work for me today, and I must admit I really wasn't feeling it this morning when my alarm very rudely woke me up, then to top it off I remembered that I was going to have to walk to work as the main road is shut and the diversion would mean that it would take longer to drive than it would for me to walk!

I could feel myself getting grumpy as I left the house whilst it was still pitch black outside, and I could see myself ranting about it when I got to work but instead I gave myself a stern talking to and decided to see the positive and count my blessings instead!

I am so lucky to have a job that pays enough for me to enjoy the nice things in life, and that I have the health and fitness that allows me to walk rather than battling with the traffic!

So I put a big smile on my face and said "Good Morning" to everyone I passed on my way!  By the time I got to work I was feeling much calmer and had bagged some miles for Janathon Day 5 as an added bonus!

So I have now decided that I am not going to let anyone or anything get me down in 2016 and I am going to try to find something positive or something that made me happy each day for the next 361 days!

Suprisingly, my positive mood continued for the rest of the day and despite some tricky situations arising I continued to smile!

After walking home and then walking the dog I still felt like I had enough energy left to go for a run!

It was a dry evening and unseasonably warm which meant I was overdressed and hot! However, despite this I managed to do 5.83 miles at a 9.26 minute mile pace! 

I continued with my positiveness and gave cheery hello's to everyone I passed - even the grumpy old men! 

Tonight's run means I have done a 7 day running streak - no wonder my legs are feeling tired!

I think tomorrow's Janathon miles will have to be done in the pool to give my legs some recovery time!

Total Janathon Running miles:  21.85
Total Janathan Walking miles:     5.18
Total Janathan Cycling miles:      Zero 
Total Janathon Swimming miles:   0.18 

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