Friday, 15 January 2016

Day 15 Janathon - Half Way!

I'm feeling quite pleased that I have made it to the Half Way mark of Janathon!

I did think in the early stages that perhaps I wasn't going to manage it but feeling much more confident now and definitely determined to succeed!

I have both walking and swimming miles to offer Janathon today! I walked with school down to the local K Shoes as our topic is "The Elves and The Shoemaker" and we are learning about making shoes etc.  So I have 1.50 walking miles to start the day off with.

Then, tonight I decided I needed to up the ante on my swim training! 

So off I went to the local Leisure Centre for its one hour slot put aside for "public swimming"!

When I first got in I went in the "medium lane" but was soon stopped in my tracks by a couple of OAP's who thought it was acceptable to block the lane doing a ridiculously slow breaststroke!  I don't understand why they needed to be in a lane at all when they could do what they were doing in the main part of the pool!  I was walking along behind them trying to get past!

Frustrated I decided to take my chances in the "fast lane" and did feel guilty for holding up the "elite" swimmers but kept telling myself that the OAP's didn't feel guilty so why should I!

Thankfully half way through my workout the OAP's decided to get out so I could duck under the rope and have the medium lane to myself leaving the super fast swimmers in peace!

I managed 2025 metres (1.25 miles) in just under 51 minutes which I am fairly chuffed with considering the initial hindrance!

Total Janathon Running miles:  48.54
Total Janathan Walking miles:   12.79
Total Janathan Cycling miles:      Zero 
Total Janathon Swimming miles:   3.83


Positive thought for the day:  I can still swim a decent distance despite neglecting my training!

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