On Sunday whilst I was "suffering" running a race I hadn't trained for I decided that I was no longer going put work before my life ... I was going claim my life back again and find the time and energy to RUN!
Since my injury at the beginning of the Summer my love of running, enthusiasm and the ability to run whatever life threw at me has deserted me. My mojo seems to have been on strike! I have been running but not with consistency or of any quality, and definitely not with any enthusiasm!
I have felt like I have been lacking in goals and a focus!
So on Sunday evening I sat down and decided what my goals for 2016 were going be!
I flirted with the idea of another marathon but have decided to put that one on hold for now!
Instead I am going to focus on getting a faster Half Marathon, 10K and 5K time, and plan to do the HM and 10K courses where I have previously run a PB, with the intention of beating it! I would also like to beat my 1 Mile Open Water Swim time!
That means I am definitely running Liverpool Rock n Roll Half Marathon in May and The Windmill 10K in November, as well as swimming in The Great North Swim again in June - all now booked!
I will also try and find some "tester" races to allow me to see how close I am to achieving my goals in the target races!
I am feeling quite excited now and have even started on a training plan to improve my HM time!
I do love a plan to follow!
I know May is a long way off but it gives me plenty of time to slowly improve my fitness - with no excuses acceptable!
When I got back from work tonight it was raining and I was tired but I had the training plan staring at me stating I was to do 5.5 miles at a "jog".
Before I could change my mind I was togged out in my wet weather running gear and hitting the streets!
My plan stated a "jog" was at a 10.45 minute mile pace, which seems very slow to me so I selected a hilly route to slow me down and it worked a treat!
I can't say I enjoyed it or that it was easy but I did it!
I ran 5.63 miles at a average 10.19 minute mile pace.
My second tick on my training plan!
I think I might have got my mojo back!
Bring it on!

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