Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Life is getting in the way of my blogging!

I have so much going on in my life at the moment I am really struggling to keep on top of everything!

So what have I been doing in the last 10 days?

Well I have only managed to fit 3 runs in and 3 swims in Lake Windermere!

I am very proud that I am still swimming in the lake and despite the dark and the cold I am not freaking out!

I went last night and it was exceptionally dark and I was feeling slightly scared and apprehensive but my swimming friend said "Remember there's nothing down there that isn't there in the light!".  
This didn't really help much as it only reminded me that there WAS stuff down there!

It really is becoming a case of mental strength and determination!

Surprisingly its the dark rather than the cold that is proving to be the most testing!

My "Women on The Run" running club is making me proud, or should I say my ladies are making me exceptionally proud!

In the 4 weeks we have been running they have come on in leaps and bounds and have made progress beyond my wildest expectations!  I think they are all amazed too and are all exceptionally keen each week and are religiously doing the homework I set them! They have gone from barely being able to run for a minute and walk for a minute to running for 7 minutes and walking for 1 minute continuously for an hour! The first week we managed 2.48 miles in the hour and this week we did 4.06 miles!

It just goes to show that with a little bit of hard work and determination things happen!

On Saturday I did a 3.69 miles road run! Due to work pressures this was my first run in 5 days so I was well and truly ready to run off my pent up stress! I was amazed when I stopped my Garmin to see I had run an average 8.40 minute miles! This is the fastest run I have done since my injury!

On Sunday I did a 4.7 mile trail run up Scout Scar and found myself in the middle of an orienteering race! I had the urge to move a flag or 2 to add to the excitement but I resisted! There was people running round a usually fairly deserted fell like stupid people! It was a very odd experience!

Tonight I found myself back up Scout Scar and Cunswick Scar and did a 5.56 mile run.  However, today I didn't see a soul! I started my run at around 4.30pm and it was dry and light but by the time I had got to the top it was drizzly and foggy! 

I was slightly concerned about being up there alone in the fog so didn't really enjoy my run ... unless that was just because I was absolutely exhausted after a busy day at work!

Only 2 more days to survive at work before I have a week off for Half Term!

I'm not just excited about having a week off work but I am very very excited about going to New York!

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