Saturday, 31 October 2015

Back on it!

After having a good nights sleep and a lie in until 10.30am I woke up this morning feeling extremely chesty! When I was on the plane coming home from New York I was surrounded by people coughing and spluttering so I expected to catch some lurgy! The joys of travelling!

Anyhow, when I first set off I sounded like I had a 40 a day habit and I wasn't really feeling the love!  However, I pushed on and after the first mile my chest cleared slightly and I no longer felt like I had a heard of elephants sitting on me!

For the 31st October it was amazingly warm and although I only had cropped tights and a T Shirt on I was feeling incredibly hot - unless that was more to do with me feeling under the weather rather than the actual weather!

I pushed on and actually really enjoyed my run doing 4.51 miles at an average 9.03 minute mile pace! You can view my route here.

A perfect way to get rid of that jet-lagged feeling!

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