On Wednesday night I went out on my bike to test that all was good after it had been in for a service!
It was an exceptionally cold and windy evening - its hard to believe it nearly the end of May as it feels so Autumnal. I have a very short memory and went down a road that I NOW remember vowing never to cycle down again! It's exceptionally narrow and twisty with grass growing down the middle! I was anxious about meeting a car as there is no way we would both fit through! I was pleased when I emerged back on to some better roads! Altogether I cycled 13.62 miles at a average 13.1 mph pace! Not as fast as I hoped but considering the roads I was on its as fast as I could safely go!
On Thursday I managed to fit in a double whammy session! As soon as I came in from work I went out for another ride and it was another cold and windy evening! I did 10.62 miles again rather slowly at an average 13.2 mph!
As soon as I got home it was time to head out to Windermere with my wetsuit in tow to meet the Tri Club lot for a little dip in the lake! It was exceptionally cold in the lake and rather choppy! I tried to stay focused and not let the waves slapping me in the face put me off!
I managed around half a mile before I started to shiver and feel numb! Thankfully I could get warm afterwards around a nice log fire before travelling home!
Today the weather has finally decided that perhaps it should warm up! Although the temperatures had soared compared with previous days it was still very windy!
I had decided to do a 10 mile trail run and had a route in mind. I used my hydration pack the "Ultimate Direction Women's Ultra Vesta" (which I got for my birthday) for the first time and was delighted with it!
It was very comfortable and didn't wriggle or jiggle at all! I was glad I had 2 drinks with me as I needed it in the heat!
Altogether I ran 10.3 miles at an average of 10.53 minute mile pace. Slow but considering the number of stiles and gates to get over and through its not too bad really!
I will be having a well deserved rest day tomorrow before I really push myself next week during the holidays!!!
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