What is a brick session I hear you cry! A brick workout refers to the stacking of two disciplines during the same workout, one after the other with minimal interruption in between!
I have struggled to get out in the great outdoors on my bike as the evenings have been too dark and the weekends too busy!
Thankfully, the days are starting to get longer and this evening I managed to get an hour’s ride in before it started to get dark!
I decided to do a test of the Kendal Sprint cycle route with a little extra added on as I was cycling from home!
I planned on doing a “brick session” but it was still too cold to don my trisuit which has short legs! I ummed and arred about what to wear as I wanted the padding and comfort of cycle shorts whilst cycling but I didn't want to feel like I was running in a nappy!
My cycling shorts are much more padded than my trisuit shorts and not good for running in! However, I came up with the ideal solution – the Superwoman look! I wore my long running tights with my cycling shorts over the top! Once my ride was over I could swiftly (or not so swiftly in reality!) whisk my shorts off, leaving me comfortable to run!
I have decided cycling is a dangerous sport – not only did I have other vehicles to contend with I also had the added danger of the general public who had obviously lost all commonsense whilst enjoying the sunshine! I had one woman who was taking a photo of the scenery or little lambs in a field and when she realised she couldn't get everything in the photo she decided to step back off the grass verge straight in front of me – luckily I had been aware of her and was able to avoid crashing into her, if I had been going fast or was a car she might have been a little less lucky!
Later on I came across a group of walkers who thought they owned the road and they weren't going to go single file to let me past on a narrow country road! As well as having to contend with these “idiots” I also had to be on high alert for pot holes! The state of the roads around where I live are appalling and I was very conscious that if I hit one I might disappear down and never be seen again!
When it comes to cycling hills are the enemy! It’s not going up them I have a problem with – it’s coming down! I am such a scaredy cat when it comes to speed, and I just can’t relax enough to let go of the brakes! Descending with that feeling of really speeding up quickly really freaks me out, and I end up white knuckling the bars!
Tonight I tried hard to allow myself to gain a little speed going down hill before pulling on the brakes, whilst trying to stay relaxed and in control– hopefully with more practise my confidence will grow and I will turn into a speed queen!
I thoroughly enjoyed the 13 miles I somehow managed to survive on the bike!
Once I got home, I quickly stripped off my helmet, cycling jacket, shorts and shoes and tried to quickly put my running shoes on! A quick sip of water and 3 minutes later I was on my way! I think I need to work on getting this time down slightly!
I was feeling fantastic as I set off on my run and my legs took to running quicker than I thought they would! As you switch exercise you need to prepare for the next demand while recovering from the previous exercise demand! This takes some getting used to!
I did 2.5 running miles and I had a fantastic session! I felt happy and giddy with excitement when I got home! This feeling reminded me why I had challenged myself to do triathlons this year!
Bring it on!
You can view my route and stats here!
So that's 15.45 miles to add to this weeks total mileage!
I think my new Berghaus VapourLight Hyper Smock must have magical powers!
Since receiving it I haven’t had the opportunity to test it yet – the weather has just been too good! I’m not one to want rain but I really need some so I can put my new jacket through its paces to see if it does what it says on the label!
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