Sunday, 15 March 2015

Another spanner in the works!

Well my fab new jacket might have protected me from the rain but it certainly didn't protect from from the cold virus! 

I had arranged to do the Parkrun yesterday with a running friend. In hindsight I really shouldn't have done it!   I had had a really bad night's sleep and had spent most of the night awake sneezing and blowing my nose so I woke up feeling really grim!

However, not wanting to let my friend down I went!  It was a clear but cold morning, perfect for running, but because we have had so much rain in the last few days the ground was waterlogged and very very muddy, not so perfect for running!  

There was one section of the course which you have to pass 4 times that was particularly bad, and I was wading up to my ankles in mud and cold water!  I could feel the mud sucking me down and I did worry about losing a trainer!

Due to being full of cold I knew I wasn't in for a PB run, the mud and slipperiness of the course confirmed this!

However considering the circumstances I was pleased with my run and I finished in 27:08.  I was 1st in my age category and 7th female! This probably just means all the old folk had stayed away!

Afterwards once the euphoria had worn off I went down hill rapidly and I felt really really ill for the rest of the day! I have never sneezed as much or felt as ill from a cold - EVER!

I woke up this morning feeling slightly better after getting 13 hours sleep but there was no way I could entertain a 35 mile bike ride that was staring at me from the training plan!

Oh well next weekend is my 60 mile cycle sportive, I will just have to go and see how I get on!  These legs haven't had many cycle miles recently so it might be a little bit of a shock for them!

There is always something!

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