Monday, 9 February 2015

My First Trail Half Marathon!

Yesterday I ran in my first trail half marathon which I really enjoyed despite it being the hardest run I have ever done!  You can read how I got on by clicking here!

Tonight I went for a "recovery" swim but I couldn't believe it when I was greeted in the changing rooms by a full pack of Brownies (unfortunately not the chocolaty type but the squealing girlie type!)

I did contemplate turning round and going home but reasoned that they would be in the main pool and wouldn't bother me whilst swimming in the laned off section!

I was both right and wrong - they were in the main pool but that seemed to chase others into the lanes!  Not only did I have to suffer the breaststroke brigade tonight I also had to suffer the barely swimming brigade!  There was one woman who couldn't swim more than 3 strokes without putting her feet down, surely the lifeguards should have told her she shouldn't be in the lanes!

Anyhow, I tried not to be too unkind and swiftly overtook whenever possible.

Despite the obstacles in my way I still managed to swim 1700 metres in 38 minutes.

So that is workout 1/6  for week 6 of Jantastic.

Bring it on!

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