Saturday, 28 February 2015

Stopped in my tracks!

It was all going so well ... and then disaster struck!

I hadn't been feeling very well all week but soldiered on regardless like you do! However it finally got the better of me on Thursday when I had to leave work early and go to the doctors!

At the doctors I was giving a ticking off for leaving it too long and was diagnosed with an acute kidney infection!  I am now on a 7 day course of strong antibiotics.

By Friday I thought I was on deaths door but luckily for me the antibiotics have started to work their magic and I am now back on the mend again!

However, this blip in my health means I'm not going to hit my Jantastic Goals for this week and it looks like I am going to have to play a joker to get me out of my long Bike Ride!  The first joker I've had to use though - fingers crossed it will be the last!

I am currently in a dilemma as I have a 10K trail run booked for tomorrow at Dalemain and I am not sure whether to just accept defeat and have a DNS or take a chance and see how I feel risking a DNF!

Problems! Problems!

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Bad day made better!

After a particularly bad day I wasn't in the mood for running this evening but convinced myself I would feel better if I went! The plan was to run off all my frustrations!

I met the Tri Club at 7pm and we did a recce of The Kendal Sprint Triathlon 5K run route.

It was fairly tricky (and I'm not too sure if it was sensible!) as the run primarily goes on remote country roads which have no lighting.

However, we were all told to wear fluorescent clothing and wear a head torch so the group (10 of us in total) were very visible.

Although I have run this route many times before (in daylight!)  it has been a while since I last did!  One thing I did learn from tonight's little jaunt was I desperately need to get some hill reps in my training before the triathlon!

There is a hill at about the 2 mile mark that seemed endless to me tonight!  I can't ever remember it being that hard to get to the top!

So putting the world to rights with my tri club pals whilst running helped to improve my mood somewhat!

I obviously just needed an injection of endorphin's!Run and be happy happy fitness running exercise motivate workout motivation exercise motivation fitness quote fitness quotes workout quotes running quotes

Monday, 23 February 2015

Start of Week 8 and feeling EPIC!

After the Half Term Holidays it was back to reality and back to work for me!

After another busy day I set off to the gym to do a short session on the Watt Bike before going for a swim.

If the weather hadn't been so horrendous I might have braved the elements and gone for an outdoor cycle but there was no way I was going to put my life at risk and ride in the strong gales and rain that we have had today!

So I jumped on the Watt bike and managed to do 10.25 miles in 33 minutes which is an average speed of 18.6 MPH.

Straight afterwards I went in the pool for a swim.  Since I am trying to improve my swim speed I concentrated on doing 100 metre sprints with 25 seconds rest in between.  

I really enjoyed it and my fastest 100m tonight was 1:59:60 which I am pleased with.

Altogether I managed 2100 metres in 52 minutes 54 seconds!

2/6 workouts for Jantastic Week 8!

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Today I nailed my final workout for week 7 of Jantastic!

When I got up this morning it was cold and windy with a mix of rain, sleet and snow thrown into the mix!  Not ideal running conditions so I thought to myself "Later ... I will go later when it fairs up!"

I waited ... and waited... and waited!  The snow and sleet stopped but it was replaced with torrential rain.  Eventually, at around 2.30pm I had an "Its now or never" moment as I was taking my daughter to the train station at 4.30pm for her to return to uni after the holidays!

I flirted with the idea of going on the treadmill but just the thought of doing an hour in a hot and sweaty room looking at myself in the mirror soon put me off!  I donned my waterproof running jacket and set off!

It was very, very wet, windy and very cold!  I like to think I am committed to my training but the thought "I need committed" passed through my mind as I splashed through the deserted streets!

To make matters worse idiots in cars seem to think its hilarious to swerve as close to the kerb as possible to send a tidal wave over me!  I was not impressed but hey ho I tried to keep smiling - no doubt people probably thought I was an escaped lunatic!

My legs felt heavy and uncooperative (and I'm sure it wasn't from my water logged trainers but the after effects of cycling 31 miles yesterday!).

However, determined not to be beaten I continued pushing on and managed to run 5.75 miles at a relatively slow 9.29 minute mile pace.  Its a good job it was supposed to be an easy run as my legs weren't capable of giving any more! Any other day I would have run around the block to make it up to the 6 miles stated on the training plan but I was tired, wet, cold and not in good humour so I didn't!  5.75 miles was good enough for me!

When I got home I immediately stripped off my sodden clothes and my body looked like it had suffered a severe case of sunburn!  I have never seen such red fierce looking skin and I appreciated the steaming hot shower that thawed me out!!

Yesterday I dared to murmur the words "It feels like Spring" just for Winter to raise it's ugly head again!

This week, despite being away for a couple of nights I have still managed to meet my goal of 2 runs, 2 swims and 2 rides for the week with the added distance goal of one of the rides being over 20 miles. 

I did  one of the swims/ride/runs as a multi-sport brick session and my longest ride way exceeded my 20 miles distance goal being 31.23 miles.
My goal in

My 2 runs were 3.04 miles and 5.75 miles.
My 2 swims were 1.06 miles and 0.75 mile.
My 2 rides were 10.01 miles and 31.23 miles.

Altogether a total of 51.84 miles for the week, 132.88 miles for February and 325.22 miles for Jantastic!  

Week 1 miles = 45.08
Week 2 miles = 45.19
Week 3 miles = 54.60
Week 4 miles = 46.41

January Miles = 192.34 

Week 5 miles = 39.21
Week 6 miles = 41.83
Week 7 miles = 51.84

Week 8 starts tomorrow with a cycling distance goal of 25 miles and a 10K trail race thrown in too!  

Bring it on!

Saturday, 21 February 2015

A longer than intended one!

When I woke up this morning it was a bright clear cold crisp sunny morning so I decided it was the ideal day to do my cycling workout whilst the weather was good!

I didn't have a route in  mind when I set off but I knew I wanted to cycle more than 20 miles which is my distance goal for this weeks Jantastic!

I just cycled where I fancied and investigated roads I hadn't been on before!  The only problem was the sun was so low and even with sunglasses on I couldn't see very much and one of my main concerns was - what could the cars see coming up behind me?  Despite wearing a fluorescent orange jacket I was slightly nervous about not being seen in the blinding sun.

Once I realised I had cycled 20 miles I decided it was time to head home not really knowing how far from home I actually was.

The sun had gone by this point and it had cooled down significantly with the wind picking up too.

My legs were beginning to feel tired but I pushed on! My confidence was growing and I really enjoyed being out on my bike covering bigger miles!

After cycling non-stop for 2 and a half hours I made it safely home! I had covered 31.24 miles at an average 12.7 mph pace.  I really must work on upping my speed if I am going to get a good time in my forthcoming triathlons.  You can view my route here.

It's a little worrying to think that in just 4 weeks I have twice this distance to cover when I ride in the Eden Valley Epic Cycle!


Only one run to do tomorrow to successfully complete week 7 of Jantastic!

Weather looks a little worrying but I'm sure I can brave the elements and do it!

Bring it on!

Friday, 20 February 2015

Delayed start to week 7

I have been on a short break to Dublin at the beginning of this week so consequently my training was momentarily put on hold!  Last time I was in Dublin I ran a marathon, this time I had absolutely no intention of running anywhere.  I was there to enjoy the sights and to soak up the atmosphere!

So on my return I had a lot of catching up to do if I was going to manage 2 swims, 2 runs and 2 rides this week.

Yesterday I decided to get straight on it and went to the gym where I did 30 minutes on the watt bike and covered 10 miles, then went straight onto the treadmill and ran 3.04 miles in 26 minutes at an average 8.37 minute mile pace.  Immediately after this gym session I went into the pool and swam 1200 metres in 28 minutes!

I had completed my own little mini triathlon albeit in the wrong order!

I was pleased with getting 3 workouts done in one session and felt great afterwards!

Today I did another swim session and managed 1700 metres (1.05 miles) in 40 minutes. 

I was amazed that on both days the pool was relatively quiet considering its half term and I only had to share my lane with one other person!  

Perhaps the New Year first flush of love for exercise has now diminished  - here's hoping!  It feels so much better not having to fight for space!

So that's 2 swims, 1 cycle and 1 run complete.  Just 1 cycle and 1 run to do in the next 2 days!

Back on it! 

Bring it on!

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Feeling G R E A T!

Going great guns now and feeling fantastic!

On Thursday I was still feeling tired after the double session the day before so decided to go to the gym to do a bike/run brick session.

I took it fairly gently on the watt bike and managed to do 9.5 miles in 30 minutes before going straight onto the treadmill.  I only did 15 minutes on the treadmill and covered just 2 miles but it's the bike to run transition that I am wanting to practice so at this stage in the game the distance don't really matter as I'm doing it more for the experience!

Thankfully Friday was my rest day and I really, really needed it as after a very busy week at work I was exhausted.

I felt a lot better on Saturday morning and it was a lovely sunny day so I went for a little solo ride on my bike!  I really enjoyed it and did 17.36 miles albeit very slowly!  I was too busy taking in the scenery to worry about being speedy!  Perhaps that's why I need to train with others - I'm definitely a lazy cyclist!

When I woke up this morning it was another beautiful day and I felt quite excited to be going out for a run in the sun!  I wore my three quarter running pants and a long sleeve top but I was so hot I wished I had gone for shorts and a vest!  

However, I ran 6.28 miles at a 8.51 minute mile pace which I am quite pleased with after the hard week I have had!

So that rounds up week 6 of my Tri Training Plan as well as week 6 of Jantastic.

I have again exceeded my goal of 2 runs, 2 swims and 2 rides for the week with the added distance goal of one of the swims being 1800m. 

I have actually done 3 runs, 2 swims and 2 rides this week with one of the ride/runs being a brick session and my longest swim was 1950 metres.

My goal inMy 3 runs were  4.39 miles, 2.03 miles and 6.28 miles.
My 2 swims were 1.06 miles and 1.21 miles.
My 2 rides were 9.5 miles and 17.36 miles.

Altogether a total of 41.83 miles for the week, 81.04 miles for February and 273.38 miles for Jantastic!  

Week 1 miles = 45.08
Week 2 miles = 45.19
Week 3 miles = 54.60
Week 4 miles = 46.41

January Miles = 192.34 

Week 5 miles = 39.21
Week 6 miles = 41.83
Week 7 starts tomorrow!  Bring it on!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Run Fit Class

Tonight I went to a runfit class for the first time.

I was under the illusion that it was mainly a stretching and conditioning class so thought it wouldn't be too energetic!  

Actually I hoped it wouldn't be too energetic as I had a Tri Club Swimming session immediately afterwards and I had reasoned I could do both!

Oh how wrong was I?!

It started off with a gentle warm up and we moved onto dynamic stretches and just as I was beginning to feel comfortable, the bomb was dropped ...

We were doing a bleep test!

I have never done a bleep test before and found it tricky!

What is a bleep test?

Bleep test
The beep test involved running continuously between two points that were 20 meters apart . This run was synchronised with a pre-recorded audio tape which played beeps at set intervals. If you got back before the beep you had to wait for the beep before setting off again, if you were too slow the test was over.  As the beep test proceeded, the interval between each successive beep reduced, forcing us to increase speed over the course of the beep test, until it is impossible to keep in sync with the recording. 

I didn't get very far through the test before the beep beat me but hopefully over the course of the class this will improve!

This class finished at 7.30pm and the swim session started at 8pm so not much recovery time!

I was exhausted for the swim.  Doing a trail Half Marathon on Sunday together with a beep test had taken it's toll on me!

However, I did manage to survive although I was one of the slower ones tonight in my lane (no surprise there then!) and swam 1950 metres -  not too shabby an effort considering how tired I felt!

We were doing sets of 400m and although I felt tired I still managed to beat my best time for this distance with my fastest set being 8.36, approximately 30 seconds faster than my previous best!

Bring it on!

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Easy Run

Tonight I set off to run a short easy run to give my legs time to recover after Sundays exertions!

It was a clear and not too cold an evening and off I set with the intention of  running for about 30 minutes slowly.

I got into the flow easily and my legs felt great and before I knew it I was pushing a little harder than I planned and did my first mile in 8.57, I slowed to 9.37 for mile 2 before ramping it up to do mile 3 in 8.05!  

All together I ran 4.39 miles at an average 9.17 minute mile pace!

I really enjoyed it and just ran for the joy of running!

Workout 2/6 complete.

Monday, 9 February 2015

My First Trail Half Marathon!

Yesterday I ran in my first trail half marathon which I really enjoyed despite it being the hardest run I have ever done!  You can read how I got on by clicking here!

Tonight I went for a "recovery" swim but I couldn't believe it when I was greeted in the changing rooms by a full pack of Brownies (unfortunately not the chocolaty type but the squealing girlie type!)

I did contemplate turning round and going home but reasoned that they would be in the main pool and wouldn't bother me whilst swimming in the laned off section!

I was both right and wrong - they were in the main pool but that seemed to chase others into the lanes!  Not only did I have to suffer the breaststroke brigade tonight I also had to suffer the barely swimming brigade!  There was one woman who couldn't swim more than 3 strokes without putting her feet down, surely the lifeguards should have told her she shouldn't be in the lanes!

Anyhow, I tried not to be too unkind and swiftly overtook whenever possible.

Despite the obstacles in my way I still managed to swim 1700 metres in 38 minutes.

So that is workout 1/6  for week 6 of Jantastic.

Bring it on!

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Week 5 Complete

Completing the race today means week 5 of my Tri Training Plan is complete as well as week 5 of Jantastic.

I have reached my goal of 2 runs, 2 swims and 2 rides for the week with the added distance goal of one run being over 13 miles. 

My 2 runs were 3.52 miles,and 14.5 miles.
My 2 swims were 0.87 miles and 1.15 miles.
My 2 rides were 9.17 miles and 10.00 miles.

Altogether a total of  39.21 miles for the week, 39.21 miles for February and 231.55 miles for Jantastic!  

Week 1 miles = 45.08
Week 2 miles = 45.19
Week 3 miles = 54.60
Week 4 miles = 46.41

January Miles = 192.34 

Week 5 miles = 39.21

Week 6 starts tomorrow!  Bring it on!

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Feeling slightly stressed!

I have been quiet on the blogging front this week mainly because I have had such a busy week and haven't had the energy or the inclination to blog!

However ... I'm back!

On Wednesday night I went to the tri club swimming session where we were working on endurance by swimming 100m sets quickly!

My goal for 2015 was to swim 100m in 2 minutes and just 6 weeks in I achieved it!

I swam one 100m set in 1:59!  Time to rethink my goals!

Altogether I swam 1850m in 55:29!  I am pleased with that!

Since Wednesday I have been resting as tomorrow I am running my first trail half marathon at Grizedale and I am feeling ever so slightly stressed about it!

Mainly because it's described as "a tad hilly" and these events always play down hills so what have I let myself in for?

Another stress factor is the kit I have to carry!  I always run with just my gels for company but tomorrow I need to take a whole lot more!

I am trying to remain chilled as I have no PB to beat, but for some reason I am feeling exceptionally anxious!

Perhaps the email warning of severe ice and the weather forecast showing FOG has something to do with my high anxiety levels!

Come back tomorrow to see how I get on and whether I get lost in the fog or not!


Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Another Brick Session!

The Tri Club Running session I usually attend on a Tuesday was cancelled this evening as the coach was ill so tonight I decided to do another brick workout!

It was a chilly but clear evening, perfect for running!

I was wary of running too fast as I knew I had a bike session and another run to contend with so I just took it easy running the 1.77 miles to the gym at an average 9.12 minute mile pace.

Once at the gym I immediately got on the Watt Bike and pedaled for 30 minutes covering 10 miles before going back out to run the 1.75 miles home!

When I first came out of the gym into the cold air I felt unbearably cold as all the sweat on my body felt more like ice!  I was starting to think it wasn't such a bright idea but after a couple of minutes I soon warmed up and enjoyed the rest of the run!  

My legs had a life of their own and I felt a little out of control with my legs feeling like they were running faster than I could!!

I really enjoyed the session!

A great start to February!

I am a member of a FB running group and they set us all a challenge!

The challenge involved us being given a word and we had to find each letter of the word whilst out running!  

These were the rules:

  • You can only collect 1 letter per day, per run.
  • You can use objects, road names, shop names, the more inventive the better.
  • Only the first letter counts. For example if the letter you were searching for was an F then you could take a picture of a Fence, a Fish shop, Fenchurch Street ect.....remember only the F will count for today.
  • Photographs will be needed for the letter you have collected.
  • No repeating! If the word has the same letter more than once then you will need to find a different object, road name, shop name etc...
  • Number plates also don't count!
SO I thought I would give you the challenge to try and work out the word I was given!

Here are my photos! Click to enlarge!

Please feel free to post any suggestions!

Monday, 2 February 2015

A Backwards Brick!

Today is the start of week 5 of Jantastic and week 5 in my Tri Training Plan!

As its now February I am renaming Jantastic Febulous!

To kick start the week I did another brick session - well actually it was a backwards brick session!  

Usually in a triathlon swimming is the first discipline followed by cycling. However today I reversed this and did the cycle first!

I went to the gym and did a 30 minute session on the Watt bike covering 9.17 miles before plunging into the pool and completing 1400 metres (0.87 mile).

Strangely the gym was unusually quiet and I got straight on the bike without any hanging around or being forced to do any fill in strength exercises!

Unfortunately the same can't be said about the pool!  

There was a lot of macho type men who thought they were the superhero's of the swimming world! Trying to prove their prowess they pelted up the pool at break neck speed only to then hang on to the side gasping for breath for 5 minutes before repeating again! 

By the time they had done 100 metres they had slowed to snail pace with a very ungainly technique and were basically getting in the way!

I tried not to let it annoy me and managed to swim 1400 metres in 33 minutes!

I am planning on this week being an easy week as I have my first ever Trail Half Marathon at Grizedale on Sunday and need my legs to be as fresh as possible!

I am hoping to do the vast majority of my workouts at the beginning of the week allowing me a little tapering time before race day!

Another brick tomorrow!  This time I will do a bike/run session!

Swim Bike Run for Crohn's

Feeling strong!  

Feeling good! 

Feeling on it!

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Ready to GO GO GO into February!

Today I went for a trail run with my super turbo powered friend who tried her best to finish me off - again!

It was a beautiful afternoon for a run!  

Very cold but sunny and we were rewarded with some fantastic views from the top!  It's just a pity I wasn't allowed to stand and take it all in for a little longer!  She wasn't being conned with my excuses today!

Amazingly we ran 10.27 very hilly technical miles in 1 hour 50 minutes, some 11 minutes faster for the same route 2 weeks ago!

I can't help but be pleased with that!  You can view this run here!

Today might be the 1st February but it comes under week 4 of the Jantastic January Goals, so for pure simplicity I am going to include it in my January miles!

This run now means week 4 of my Tri Training Plan is complete as well as week 4 of Jantastic - I have reached and exceeded my goal of 2 runs, 2 swims and 2 rides for the week. 

This week I have actually done 3 runs, 2 swims and 2 rides

My 3 runs were  4.89 miles, 3.28 miles and 10.27 miles.
My 2 swims were 0.99 miles and 1.24 miles.
My 2 rides were 12.57 miles and 13.17 miles.

Altogether a total of  46.41 miles for the week and 192.34 miles for January!  

Week 1 miles = 45.08
Week 2 miles = 45.19
Week 3 miles = 54.60
Week 4 miles = 46.41

January Miles = 192.34 consisting of :
         8.03 swimming miles
128.70 cycling miles
     55.61 running miles

Lets see if we can hit the 200 mile mark during February!

Week 5 starts tomorrow!  

Let's go get it!